For All Of My Life

Come and lay here beside me
I'll tell you how I feel
There's a secret inside me
I'm ready to reveal

To have you close, embrace your heart
with my love
over and over
These are things that I promise
my promise to you


For all of my life
you are the one, i will love you faithfully forever
all of my life you are the one
I'll give to you my greatest love
for all of my life.

o yeah...

Let me lay down beside you
There's something you should know
I pray that you decide to
open your heart and let me show
enchanted worlds of fairy tales
a wonderland of love
these are things that I promise
my promise to you


all of my life
with all of my heart
these are things that I promise


Mirror lyrics:


these are things that I promise
with all of my heart
all of my life


my promise to you
these are things that I promise
a wonderland of love
enchanted worlds of fairy tales
open your heart and let me show
I pray that you decide to
There's something you should know
Let me lay down beside you

o yeah...

for all of my life.
I'll give to you my greatest love
all of my life you are the one
you are the one, i will love you faithfully forever
For all of my life


my promise to you
These are things that I promise
over and over
with my love
To have you close, embrace your heart

I'm ready to reveal
There's a secret inside me
I'll tell you how I feel
Come and lay here beside me

Relevant Tags:
FFor AAll OOf MMy LLife or ll f y ife oFr lAl fO yM iLfe cor zll kf jy kife cFor zAll kOf jMy kLife Fcor Azll Okf Mjy Lkife
ror qll 9f ky oife rFor qAll 9Of kMy oLife Fror Aqll O9f Mky Loife gor sll 0f ny pife gFor sAll 0Of nMy pLife Fgor Asll O0f Mny Lpife
tor wll lf Myy Liife tFor wAll lOf M Lfe Ftor Awll Olf My Lfie vor xll if Mg Ljfe vFor xAll iOf Mgy Ljife Fvor Axll Oif Myg Lijfe
dor Alll Off Mh L9fe dFor Al O Mhy L9ife Fdor All Of Myh Li9fe Foor Akl Oc M6 Llfe Fr Akll Ocf M6y Llife Fro Alkl Ofc My6 Lilfe
Fkr Aol Or Mu Lofe Fkor Aoll Orf Muy Fokr Alol Ofr Myu Liofe F9r Apl Og M7 Lkfe F9or Apll Ogf M7y Fo9r Alpl Ofg My7 Likfe
F0r Ot Mj L8fe F0or Otf L8ife Fo0r Oft Myj Li8fe Flr Alk Ov Mt Lufe Flor Ovf Mty Luife Folr Allk Ofv Myt Liufe
Fir Alo Od Liffe Fior Odf Lie

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