Marc Cohn
Paper Walls

Well, I had just checked in when the sun came up
After ten hours on the bus
I was staring at the stains on the ceiling, baby
Trying not to think about us

But then someone in room five-oh two
Started doing the thing that we used to do
Every bang, every boom,
It was just like it was happening in my own room

‘Cause they've got paper walls
Paper walls
Paper walls

I closed the curtain, I shut the light,
I heard the highway moan
Next thing I remember they were having a fight, and then
She was all alone

I heard her cry in the darkest hour,
I heard it echo in the hotel shower,
I heard her start packing her things, so,
I called her number and I heard it ring...

Right through the paper walls
Paper walls,
Paper walls

I've never seen such a sight before
The way she looked when she opened the door
Hush now baby don't make a sound,
When all your love comes a-tumblin' down...

Just like a paper wall
Paper wall
Paper wall

It ain't the road that kills you
It ain't the all night calls
It ain't the road that kills you, baby
It's just the paper walls

Mirror lyrics:

It's just the paper walls
It ain't the road that kills you, baby
It ain't the all night calls
It ain't the road that kills you

Paper wall
Paper wall
Just like a paper wall

When all your love comes a-tumblin' down...
Hush now baby don't make a sound,
The way she looked when she opened the door
I've never seen such a sight before

Paper walls
Paper walls,
Right through the paper walls

I called her number and I heard it ring...
I heard her start packing her things, so,
I heard it echo in the hotel shower,
I heard her cry in the darkest hour,

She was all alone
Next thing I remember they were having a fight, and then
I heard the highway moan
I closed the curtain, I shut the light,

Paper walls
Paper walls
‘Cause they've got paper walls

It was just like it was happening in my own room
Every bang, every boom,
Started doing the thing that we used to do
But then someone in room five-oh two

Trying not to think about us
I was staring at the stains on the ceiling, baby
After ten hours on the bus
Well, I had just checked in when the sun came up

Relevant Tags:
PPaper WWalls aper alls aPper aWlls 0aper aalls 0Paper aWalls P0aper Waalls laper 3alls lPaper 3Walls Plaper W3alls oaper dalls
oPaper dWalls Poaper Wdalls Paaper ealls Pper eWalls Ppaer Wealls Pzper salls Pzaper sWalls Pazper Wsalls Pqper 2alls Pqaper 2Walls
Paqper W2alls Psper qalls Psaper qWalls Pasper Wqalls Pwper Pwaper Wlls Pawper Wlals Pxper Wzlls Pxaper Wzalls Paxper Wazlls
Papper Wqlls Paer Paepr Waqlls Pa0er Wslls Pa0per Pap0er Waslls Paler Wwlls Palper Wwalls Papler Wawlls Paoer Wxlls
Paoper Wxalls Papoer Waxlls Papeer Wallls

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