Marc Cohn
Lost You In The Canyon

Got your call from California
But I could hardly hear your voice
Through the hissing of the highway
And all that other noise
You said “I might lose you in the canyon”
Then you went riding up the coast
Now all these things we leave unspoken
Seem to haunt me like a ghost

I lost you in the canyon
Guess you tried to let me know
Lost you in the canyon
A long, long time ago
Lost you in the canyon
Brother you fade out slow

There were times I thought I knew you
Before these changes came to pass
But you don't think about it do you?
From up there in your house of glass
The Earth is shifting underneath you
The land is sliding all around
Do you ever stop to wonder
About that paradise you've found?

I lost you in the canyon
Guess you tried to let me know
Lost you in the canyon
A long, long time ago
Lost you in the canyon
Brother you fade out slow

I hear you moving through the mountains
Through the fires and the floods
But I can't fix this bad connection
In the wires or the blood

I lost you in the canyon
Guess you tried to let me know
Lost you in the canyon
A long, long time ago
Lost you in the canyon
Brother you fade out slow

Mirror lyrics:

Brother you fade out slow
Lost you in the canyon
A long, long time ago
Lost you in the canyon
Guess you tried to let me know
I lost you in the canyon

In the wires or the blood
But I can't fix this bad connection
Through the fires and the floods
I hear you moving through the mountains

Brother you fade out slow
Lost you in the canyon
A long, long time ago
Lost you in the canyon
Guess you tried to let me know
I lost you in the canyon

About that paradise you've found?
Do you ever stop to wonder
The land is sliding all around
The Earth is shifting underneath you
From up there in your house of glass
But you don't think about it do you?
Before these changes came to pass
There were times I thought I knew you

Brother you fade out slow
Lost you in the canyon
A long, long time ago
Lost you in the canyon
Guess you tried to let me know
I lost you in the canyon

Seem to haunt me like a ghost
Now all these things we leave unspoken
Then you went riding up the coast
You said “I might lose you in the canyon”
And all that other noise
Through the hissing of the highway
But I could hardly hear your voice
Got your call from California

Relevant Tags:
LLost YYou IIn TThe CCanyon ost ou n he anyon oLst oYu nI hTe aCnyon kost gou jn fhe fanyon kLost gYou jIn fThe fCanyon Lkost Ygou Ijn Tfhe Cfanyon
oost hou 9n 5he xanyon oLost hYou 9In 5The xCanyon Loost Yhou I9n T5he Cxanyon post 6ou ln hhe vanyon pLost 6You lIn hThe vCanyon Lpost Y6ou Iln Thhe Cvanyon
uou on yhe danyon Lst uYou oIn yThe dCanyon Lsot Yuou Ion Tyhe Cdanyon Lkst 7ou kn 6he Caanyon 7You kIn 6The Cnyon Lokst Y7ou Ikn T6he Cnayon
L9st jou 8n ghe Cznyon L9ost jYou 8In gThe Czanyon Lo9st Yjou I8n Tghe Caznyon L0st tou un rhe Cqnyon L0ost tYou uIn rThe Cqanyon Lo0st Ytou Iun Trhe Caqnyon
Llst Yoou Inn Csnyon Llost Yu I Te Csanyon Lolst Yuo In Teh Casnyon List Yku Im Tje Cwnyon Liost Ykou Imn Tjhe Cwanyon Loist Yoku Inm Thje Cawnyon
Losst Y9u Ih Tue Cxnyon Lot Y9ou Ihn Tuhe Lots Yo9u Inh Thue Caxnyon Lozt Y0u Ij Tne Cannyon Lozst Y0ou Tnhe Cayon Loszt Yo0u Inj Thne Caynon
Lowt Ylu Ib Tbe Camyon Lowst Ylou Ibn Tbhe Camnyon Loswt Yolu Inb Thbe Canmyon Lodt Yiu Tge Cahyon Lodst Yiou Cahnyon Losdt Yoiu Thge Canhyon
Loet Youu Tye Cajyon Loest Yo Cajnyon Loset You Thye Canjyon Loxt Yoh Thee Cabyon Loxst Yohu Th Cabnyon Losxt Youh The Canbyon
Loat Yo7 Ths Canyyon Loast Yo7u Thse Canon Losat You7 Thes Canoyn

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