Marc Cohn
Let Me Be Your Witness

When your longest night is coming down
When pieces of you hit the ground
When every word they say about you is a lie
When they put your soul up for review
When they're set on turning every screw
Call on me and I will testify

Let me be your witness
Let me be your witness
Let me be your witness

When no one sees and no one hears
Your secret heart
Your bitter tears
When it feels like you're just sinking in the sand
When you cant remember who you are
When you wonder how you came this far
Call my name and put me on the stand

Let me be your witness...

To your mystery
To your ecstasy
To the tears you cry
I will testify
To your longest night
To how hard you fight
To your inner light
A higher place
Your grace
To where you are
And to who you've been—
To your heaven
To your hell
Let me be your witness
Let me be your witness.

Mirror lyrics:

Let me be your witness.
Let me be your witness
To your hell
To your heaven
And to who you've been—
To where you are
Your grace
A higher place
To your inner light
To how hard you fight
To your longest night
I will testify
To the tears you cry
To your ecstasy
To your mystery

Let me be your witness...

Call my name and put me on the stand
When you wonder how you came this far
When you cant remember who you are
When it feels like you're just sinking in the sand
Your bitter tears
Your secret heart
When no one sees and no one hears

Let me be your witness
Let me be your witness
Let me be your witness

Call on me and I will testify
When they're set on turning every screw
When they put your soul up for review
When every word they say about you is a lie
When pieces of you hit the ground
When your longest night is coming down

Relevant Tags:
LLet MMe BBe YYour WWitness et e e our itness eLt eM eB oYur iWtness ket je ve gour aitness kLet jMe vBe gYour aWitness Lket Mje Bve Ygour Waitness
oet ke ge hour 3itness oLet kMe gBe hYour 3Witness Loet Mke Bge Yhour W3itness pet ne ne 6our ditness pLet nMe nBe 6Your dWitness Lpet Mne Bne Y6our Wditness
Leet Mee he uour eitness Lt M hBe uYour eWitness Lte Me Bhe Yuour Weitness Lst Ms Bee 7our sitness Lset Mse B 7Your sWitness Lest Mes Be Y7our Wsitness
L3t M3 Bs jour 2itness L3et M3e Bse jYour 2Witness Le3t Me3 Bes Yjour W2itness Lft Mf B3 tour qitness Lfet Mfe B3e tYour qWitness Left Mef Be3 Ytour Wqitness
Lrt Mr Bf Yoour Wiitness Lret Mre Bfe Yur Wtness Lert Mer Bef Yuor Wtiness L4t M4 Br Ykur Wjtness L4et M4e Bre Ykour Wjitness Le4t Me4 Ber Yokur Wijtness
Ldt Md B4 Y9ur W9tness Ldet Mde B4e Y9our W9itness Ledt Med Be4 Yo9ur Wi9tness Lwt Mw Bd Y0ur Wltness Lwet Mwe Bde Y0our Wlitness Lewt Mew Bed Yo0ur Wiltness
Lett Bw Ylur Wotness Le Bwe Ylour Woitness Let Bew Yolur Wiotness Lef Yiur Wktness Yiour Wkitness Letf Yoiur Wiktness
Le5 Youur W8tness Le5t Yor W8itness Let5 Yoru Wi8tness Leh Yohr Wutness Leht Yohur Wuitness Leth Youhr Wiutness
Ley Yo7r Wittness Leyt Yo7ur Winess Lety You7r Wintess Le6 Yokr Wifness Le6t Wiftness Let6 Youkr Witfness
Leg Yoir Wi5ness Legt Wi5tness Letg Youir Wit5ness Ler Yo8r Wihness Yo8ur Wihtness Letr You8r Withness
Yojr Wiyness Yojur Wiytness Youjr Wityness Yoyr Wi6ness Yoyur Wi6tness Youyr Wit6ness
Yourr Wigness You Wigtness Your Witgness Youd Wirness

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