Marc Broussard
When It's Good

Got to apologize

Never meant to hurt you so

If I could go back in time

I'd make things right, baby, don't you know?

So let's stop wasting time

'Cause there's only one way to go

We both know we can't deny

We only get one ride down that road

When it's good, it's good

When it's bad, it ain't that bad

Even when the hurt is all that you can feel

Then you know that love is real, yeah

I'm just a young man, I can't lie

This is all so new to me

Just trying to do things right

'Cause I'm in it for life and honey, I'm in deep

Then baby take my hand, oh yeah

I won't let you slip away

And just try the best you can to be a better man

Each and every day, each and every day

When it's good, it's good

When it's bad, it ain't that bad, oh yeah

Even when the hurt is all that you can feel

Then you know that love is real, oh

When it's good, it's good

When it's bad, it ain't that bad

Even when the hurt is all that you can feel

Then you know that love is real

Know it's real, now I know

Mirror lyrics:

Know it's real, now I know

Then you know that love is real

Even when the hurt is all that you can feel

When it's bad, it ain't that bad

When it's good, it's good

Then you know that love is real, oh

Even when the hurt is all that you can feel

When it's bad, it ain't that bad, oh yeah

When it's good, it's good

Each and every day, each and every day

And just try the best you can to be a better man

I won't let you slip away

Then baby take my hand, oh yeah

'Cause I'm in it for life and honey, I'm in deep

Just trying to do things right

This is all so new to me

I'm just a young man, I can't lie

Then you know that love is real, yeah

Even when the hurt is all that you can feel

When it's bad, it ain't that bad

When it's good, it's good

We only get one ride down that road

We both know we can't deny

'Cause there's only one way to go

So let's stop wasting time

I'd make things right, baby, don't you know?

If I could go back in time

Never meant to hurt you so

Got to apologize

Relevant Tags:
WWhen IIt's GGood hen t's ood hWen tI's oGod ahen jt's hood aWhen jIt's hGood Wahen Ijt's Ghood 3hen 9t's yood 3When 9It's yGood
W3hen I9t's Gyood dhen lt's bood dWhen lIt's bGood Wdhen Ilt's Gbood ehen ot's vood eWhen oIt's vGood Wehen Iot's Gvood shen kt's food
sWhen kIt's fGood Wshen Ikt's Gfood 2hen 8t's tood 2When 8It's tGood W2hen I8t's Gtood qhen ut's Goood qWhen uIt's God Wqhen Iut's Good
Whhen Itt's Gkod Wen I's Gkood Wehn I'ts Gokod Wjen If's G9od Wjhen Ift's G9ood Whjen Itf's Go9od Wuen I5's G0od Wuhen I5t's G0ood
Whuen It5's Go0od Wnen Ih's Glod Wnhen Iht's Glood Whnen Ith's Golod Wben Iy's Giod Wbhen Iyt's Giood Whben Ity's Goiod Wgen I6's
Wghen I6t's Whgen It6's Godo

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