Lynn Anderson
I Still Belong To You

(Jerry Foster - Bill Rice)

I thought of leaving you a note but every time I start
There's knowing blue enough to write this feeling in my heart
Sometimes I packed to run away but where would I run to
My heart would keep reminding me I still belong to you.

Many times I've had the urge to pack my things and leave
But this feeling comes and goes so I'll never do
If I love you enough to stand the things you've put tme through
No matter what you'd do to me I still belong to you.

I'm hurt inside but what's his pride it won't keep me warm at night
It has no arms to take me in and hold me like you do
What a little bit of love you give is all I'm clinging to
It takes your love to make me live I still belong to you.

It takes your love to make me live I still belong to you...

Mirror lyrics:

It takes your love to make me live I still belong to you...

It takes your love to make me live I still belong to you.
What a little bit of love you give is all I'm clinging to
It has no arms to take me in and hold me like you do
I'm hurt inside but what's his pride it won't keep me warm at night

No matter what you'd do to me I still belong to you.
If I love you enough to stand the things you've put tme through
But this feeling comes and goes so I'll never do
Many times I've had the urge to pack my things and leave

My heart would keep reminding me I still belong to you.
Sometimes I packed to run away but where would I run to
There's knowing blue enough to write this feeling in my heart
I thought of leaving you a note but every time I start

(Jerry Foster - Bill Rice)

Relevant Tags:
II SStill BBelong TTo YYou till elong o ou I tSill eBlong oT oYu j ztill velong fo gou jI zStill vBelong fTo gYou Ij Sztill Bvelong Tfo Ygou
9 wtill gelong 5o hou 9I wStill gBelong 5To hYou I9 Swtill Bgelong T5o Yhou l dtill nelong ho 6ou lI dStill nBelong hTo 6You Il Sdtill Bnelong Tho Y6ou
o etill helong yo uou oI eStill hBelong yTo uYou Io Setill Bhelong Tyo Yuou k xtill Beelong 6o 7ou kI xStill Blong 6To 7You Ik Sxtill Bleong T6o Y7ou
8 atill Bslong go jou 8I aStill Bselong gTo jYou I8 Satill Beslong Tgo Yjou u Sttill B3long ro tou uI Sill B3elong rTo tYou Iu Sitll Be3long Tro Ytou
Sfill Bflong Too Yoou Sftill Bfelong T Yu Stfill Beflong To Yuo S5ill Brlong Tk Yku S5till Brelong Tko Ykou St5ill Berlong Tok Yoku
Shill B4long T9 Y9u Shtill B4elong T9o Y9ou Sthill Be4long To9 Yo9u Syill Bdlong T0 Y0u Sytill Bdelong T0o Y0ou Styill Bedlong To0 Yo0u
S6ill Bwlong Tl Ylu S6till Bwelong Tlo Ylou St6ill Bewlong Tol Yolu Sgill Bellong Ti Yiu Sgtill Beong Tio Yiou Stgill Beolng Toi Yoiu
Srill Bekong Youu Srtill Beklong Yo Strill Belkong You Stiill Beoong Yoh Stll Beolong Yohu Stlil Beloong Youh
Stjll Bepong Yo7 Stjill Beplong Yo7u

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