Lynn Anderson
Don't Wish Me Merry Christmas

(Glenn Sutton)

Children are singing just outside my door
Snowflakes are falling it's Christmas once more
Everyone's happy but I feel so blue
It's just not like Christmas since I don't have you.

So don't wish me merry Christmas this year
For how could that ever be
Tell me how could Christmas be merry and bright
If you're not here with me?

We used to add presents and hang mistletoe
Then sit by the fireside and turn the light low
But things are so different since you went away
And now to me Christmas is just another day,

So don't wish me merry Christmas this year
For how could that ever be
Tell me how could Christmas be merry and bright
If you're not here with me?...

Mirror lyrics:

If you're not here with me?...
Tell me how could Christmas be merry and bright
For how could that ever be
So don't wish me merry Christmas this year

And now to me Christmas is just another day,
But things are so different since you went away
Then sit by the fireside and turn the light low
We used to add presents and hang mistletoe

If you're not here with me?
Tell me how could Christmas be merry and bright
For how could that ever be
So don't wish me merry Christmas this year

It's just not like Christmas since I don't have you.
Everyone's happy but I feel so blue
Snowflakes are falling it's Christmas once more
Children are singing just outside my door

(Glenn Sutton)

Relevant Tags:
DDon't WWish MMe MMerry CChristmas on't ish e erry hristmas oDn't iWsh eM eMrry hCristmas xon't aish je jerry fhristmas xDon't aWish jMe jMerry fChristmas
Dxon't Waish Mje Mjerry Cfhristmas eon't 3ish ke kerry xhristmas eDon't 3Wish kMe kMerry xChristmas Deon't W3ish Mke Mkerry Cxhristmas fon't dish ne nerry vhristmas
fDon't dWish nMe nMerry vChristmas Dfon't Wdish Mne Mnerry Cvhristmas ron't eish Mee Meerry dhristmas rDon't eWish M Mrry dChristmas Dron't Weish Me Mrery Cdhristmas
con't sish Ms Msrry Chhristmas cDon't sWish Mse Mserry Cristmas Dcon't Wsish Mes Mesrry Crhistmas son't 2ish M3 M3rry Cjristmas sDon't 2Wish M3e M3erry Cjhristmas
Dson't W2ish Me3 Me3rry Chjristmas Doon't qish Mf Mfrry Curistmas Dn't qWish Mfe Mferry Cuhristmas Dno't Wqish Mef Mefrry Churistmas Dkn't Wiish Mr Mrrry Cnristmas
Dkon't Wsh Mre Mrerry Cnhristmas Dokn't Wsih Mer Merrry Chnristmas D9n't Wjsh M4 M4rry Cbristmas D9on't Wjish M4e M4erry Cbhristmas Do9n't Wijsh Me4 Me4rry Chbristmas
D0n't W9sh Md Mdrry Cgristmas D0on't W9ish Mde Mderry Cghristmas Do0n't Wi9sh Med Medrry Chgristmas Dln't Wlsh Mw Mwrry Cyristmas Dlon't Wlish Mwe Mwerry Cyhristmas
Doln't Wilsh Mew Mewrry Chyristmas Din't Wosh Chrristmas Dion't Woish Mery Chistmas Doin't Wiosh Merry Chirstmas Donn't Wksh Medry Chdistmas
Do't Wkish Chdristmas Do'nt Wiksh Merdry Chrdistmas Dom't W8sh Me4ry Ch4istmas Domn't W8ish Ch4ristmas Donm't Wi8sh Mer4ry Chr4istmas
Doh't Wush Megry Chgistmas Dohn't Wuish Megrry Donh't Wiush Mergry Chrgistmas Doj't Wissh Metry Chtistmas Dojn't Wih Metrry Chtristmas
Donj't Wihs Mertry Chrtistmas Dob't Wizh Me5ry Ch5istmas Dobn't Wizsh Me5rry Ch5ristmas Donb't Wiszh Mer5ry Chr5istmas Don''t Wiwh Mefry Chfistmas
Dont Wiwsh Chfristmas Dont' Wiswh Merfry Chrfistmas Don'tt Widh Meery Cheistmas Don' Widsh Cheristmas Don't Wisdh Merery Chreistmas
Don'f Wieh Chriistmas Don'ft Wiesh Chrstmas Don'tf Wiseh Meryr Chrsitmas Don'5 Wixh Merdy Chrjstmas Don'5t Wixsh Chrjistmas
Don't5 Wisxh Merrdy Chrijstmas Don'h Wiah Mer4y Chr9stmas Don'ht Wiash Chr9istmas Don'th Wisah Merr4y Chri9stmas Don'y Wishh Mergy Chrlstmas
Don'yt Wis Chrlistmas Don'ty Wish Merrgy Chrilstmas Don'6 Wisj Merty Chrostmas Don'6t Wisjh Chroistmas Don't6 Wishj Merrty Chriostmas
Don'g Wisu Mer5y Chrkstmas Don'gt Wisuh Chrkistmas Don'tg Wishu Merr5y Chrikstmas Don'r Wisn Merfy Chr8stmas Don'rt Wisnh Chr8istmas
Don'tr Wishn Merrfy Chri8stmas Wisb Merey Chrustmas Wisbh Chruistmas Wishb Merrey Chriustmas Wisg Merryy Chrisstmas
Wisgh Merr Chritmas Wishg Chritsmas

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