Lyle Lovett
In My Own Mind

I get up in the morning
I drink a cup of coffee
I look out of the window
I try to get it started
I turn it all over
Plow it all under
I plant 'em in the springtime
Pick 'em in the summer

I live in my own mind
Ain't nothin but a good time
No rain just the sunshine
Out here in my own mind
I live where I can breathe
Ain't nothin but a cool breeze
Nobody that it won't please
Out here where I can breathe

Randy and Danny Ray
They'll show back up any day
That's one thing you can count on
But sometime's they'll be long gone
I'd rather be hunting
Hooked on fishing
I read it on their t-shirts
And if you don't believe it


Hardwood floor creakin'
Bedroom door squeakin'
She's standing in the kitchen
I thought she was still sleepin'
Kiss her on the forehead
Asked her how she slept
She says, 'honey it's so early,
We probably shouldn't speak yet'


I live in my own mind
Ain't nothin but a good time
No rain just the sunshine
Out here in my own mind

Mirror lyrics:

Out here in my own mind
No rain just the sunshine
Ain't nothin but a good time
I live in my own mind


We probably shouldn't speak yet'
She says, 'honey it's so early,
Asked her how she slept
Kiss her on the forehead
I thought she was still sleepin'
She's standing in the kitchen
Bedroom door squeakin'
Hardwood floor creakin'


And if you don't believe it
I read it on their t-shirts
Hooked on fishing
I'd rather be hunting
But sometime's they'll be long gone
That's one thing you can count on
They'll show back up any day
Randy and Danny Ray

Out here where I can breathe
Nobody that it won't please
Ain't nothin but a cool breeze
I live where I can breathe
Out here in my own mind
No rain just the sunshine
Ain't nothin but a good time
I live in my own mind

Pick 'em in the summer
I plant 'em in the springtime
Plow it all under
I turn it all over
I try to get it started
I look out of the window
I drink a cup of coffee
I get up in the morning

Relevant Tags:
IIn MMy OOwn MMind n y wn ind nI yM wOn iMnd jn jy kwn jind jIn jMy kOwn jMind Ijn Mjy Okwn Mjind 9n ky 9wn kind 9In kMy 9Own kMind
I9n Mky O9wn Mkind ln ny 0wn nind lIn nMy 0Own nMind Iln Mny O0wn Mnind on Myy lwn Miind oIn M lOwn Mnd Ion My Olwn Mnid kn Mg iwn Mjnd
kIn Mgy iOwn Ikn Myg Oiwn Mijnd 8n Mh Owwn M9nd 8In Mhy On M9ind I8n Myh Onw Mi9nd un M6 Oan Mlnd uIn M6y Oawn Mlind Iun My6 Owan Milnd
Inn Mu O3n Mond I Muy O3wn Moind In Myu Ow3n Miond Im M7 Odn Mknd Imn M7y Odwn Inm My7 Owdn Miknd Ih Mj Oen M8nd Ihn Oewn M8ind
Inh Myj Owen Mi8nd Ij Mt Osn Mund Mty Oswn Muind

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