Your Taste Is My Attention

So I know nothing
Of your taste you know
And speak up lover
It's in your lips I've found
Come on
Just press against me
I finally have your attention
So listen closer sweetheart
We are trying to tell you
To stay away

And no, no one was safe here
Come back
And come back here to stay
Stay with me
Stay with me and watch
As cars go by
And tell me the first thing that
Comes to your mind

Watch as I go by
I just came to say that
You'll never see me again
This clock is ours now til morning
So stay right there in that frame
This picture is how we speak
You'll never see me again
Cause I miss you already

And bear that you haven't seen me
I dont belong in anything you dream
In anything we dream
She said "Put your hands back
On my skin and say you loved me
Cause i cant live like you do
Never could"

Come on
Just press against me
You always have my attention
And please speak up darling
And make those lips move

Come back on the weekend forever
Cause you dont mean shape that way
Come back on the weekend forever
Cause you dont mean too

Stay with me and I will try to tell you
Stay with me and I will try to tell you

So watch as I go back
I just came to say that
you'll never see me again
This talk is all smack, and tell me more
So stay right there in that frame
This picture is how we see you
You'll never see me again,
Cause I miss you already.

Mirror lyrics:

Cause I miss you already.
You'll never see me again,
This picture is how we see you
So stay right there in that frame
This talk is all smack, and tell me more
you'll never see me again
I just came to say that
So watch as I go back

Stay with me and I will try to tell you
Stay with me and I will try to tell you

Cause you dont mean too
Come back on the weekend forever
Cause you dont mean shape that way
Come back on the weekend forever

And make those lips move
And please speak up darling
You always have my attention
Just press against me
Come on

Never could"
Cause i cant live like you do
On my skin and say you loved me
She said "Put your hands back
In anything we dream
I dont belong in anything you dream
And bear that you haven't seen me

Cause I miss you already
You'll never see me again
This picture is how we speak
So stay right there in that frame
This clock is ours now til morning
You'll never see me again
I just came to say that
Watch as I go by

Comes to your mind
And tell me the first thing that
As cars go by
Stay with me and watch
Stay with me
And come back here to stay
Come back
And no, no one was safe here

To stay away
We are trying to tell you
So listen closer sweetheart
I finally have your attention
Just press against me
Come on
It's in your lips I've found
And speak up lover
Of your taste you know
So I know nothing

Relevant Tags:
YYour TTaste IIs MMy AAttention our aste s y ttention oYur aTste sI yM tAtention gour faste js jy zttention gYour fTaste jIs jMy zAttention
Ygour Tfaste Ijs Mjy Azttention hour 5aste 9s ky qttention hYour 5Taste 9Is kMy qAttention Yhour T5aste I9s Mky Aqttention 6our haste ls ny sttention
6Your hTaste lIs nMy sAttention Y6our Thaste Ils Mny Asttention uour yaste os Myy wttention uYour yTaste oIs M wAttention Yuour Tyaste Ios My Awttention
7our 6aste ks Mg xttention 7Your 6Taste kIs Mgy xAttention Y7our T6aste Iks Myg Axttention jour gaste 8s Mh Atttention jYour gTaste 8Is Mhy Atention
Yjour Tgaste I8s Myh Attention tour raste us M6 Aftention tYour rTaste uIs M6y Afttention Ytour Traste Ius My6 Atftention Yoour Taaste Iss Mu A5tention
Yur Tste I Muy A5ttention Yuor Tsate Is Myu At5tention Ykur Tzste Iz M7 Ahtention Ykour Tzaste Izs M7y Ahttention Yokur Tazste Isz My7 Athtention
Y9ur Tqste Iw Mj Aytention Y9our Tqaste Iws Ayttention Yo9ur Taqste Isw Myj Atytention Y0ur Tsste Id Mt A6tention Y0our Tsaste Ids Mty A6ttention
Yo0ur Tasste Isd Myt At6tention Ylur Twste Ie Agtention Ylour Twaste Ies Agttention Yolur Tawste Ise Atgtention Yiur Txste Ix Artention
Yiour Txaste Ixs Arttention Yoiur Taxste Isx Atrtention Youur Ia Yor Tate Ias Yoru Tatse Isa Atetntion
Yohr Tazte Atfention Yohur Youhr Taszte Attfention Yo7r Tawte At5ention Yo7ur
You7r Taswte Att5ention Yokr Tadte Athention Tadste Youkr Tasdte Atthention Yoir Taete Atyention
Taeste Youir Tasete Attyention Yo8r Taxte At6ention Yo8ur You8r Tasxte Att6ention
Yojr Taate Atgention Yojur Youjr Tasate Attgention Yoyr Tastte Atrention Yoyur Tase
Youyr Taset Attrention Yourr Tasfe Atteention You Tasfte Attntion Your Tastfe Attnetion Youd Tas5e Attsntion
Youdr Tas5te Attsention Yourd Tast5e Attesntion You4 Tashe Att3ntion You4r Tashte Att3ention Your4 Tasthe Atte3ntion
Youg Tasye Attfntion Yougr Tasyte Yourg Tastye Attefntion Yout Tas6e Attrntion Youtr Tas6te
Yourt Tast6e Atterntion You5 Tasge Att4ntion You5r Tasgte Att4ention Your5 Tastge Atte4ntion

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