Smile You've Won

"Once because we always were there
I'm impressed you've never seemed so scared,
And you still don't know
But I found comfort in this bottle and your out of sight
Out of mind and nowhere close to being
Sober straight I've seen that look in me
Don't ever let me see those words on your lips
It's just me it's just me
So yeah yeah well now it's peace in the form of a dove
And yeah yeah it's peace and love or just whatever goes down
Easily consuming our bodies it's your fight this night

What the hell's it to me, you still are what I think
Keep those pictures around, just to stay awake

And we wait for Winter but no we wait forever
It was desire represented by a ring with angel
I stayed until
You fell asleep but yeah you fell for me and lost the ring
So I hope there's still a piece of me upon your bedroom floor
Where you curl up at night this nicotine is your air
Is your air
Stay to the face but feelings go over your head
Once the sleep comes it's over
So both of us say what it was everything you were everytime
A favourite of my dreams you've seen all that is me
So sure you should take that it's one more mile just the same
Some say that kings fall from grace
So now we sit like kings amongst this crowd is gone so speak to me

What the hell's it to me, you still are what I think
Keep those pictures around, just to stay awake

Some nights she still charms her way out
And hopes to leave with a morning of sleep"

Mirror lyrics:

And hopes to leave with a morning of sleep"
Some nights she still charms her way out

Keep those pictures around, just to stay awake
What the hell's it to me, you still are what I think

So now we sit like kings amongst this crowd is gone so speak to me
Some say that kings fall from grace
So sure you should take that it's one more mile just the same
A favourite of my dreams you've seen all that is me
So both of us say what it was everything you were everytime
Once the sleep comes it's over
Stay to the face but feelings go over your head
Is your air
Where you curl up at night this nicotine is your air
So I hope there's still a piece of me upon your bedroom floor
You fell asleep but yeah you fell for me and lost the ring
I stayed until
It was desire represented by a ring with angel
And we wait for Winter but no we wait forever

Keep those pictures around, just to stay awake
What the hell's it to me, you still are what I think

Easily consuming our bodies it's your fight this night
And yeah yeah it's peace and love or just whatever goes down
So yeah yeah well now it's peace in the form of a dove
It's just me it's just me
Don't ever let me see those words on your lips
Sober straight I've seen that look in me
Out of mind and nowhere close to being
But I found comfort in this bottle and your out of sight
And you still don't know
I'm impressed you've never seemed so scared,
"Once because we always were there

Relevant Tags:
SSmile YYou've WWon mile ou've on mSile oYu've oWn zmile gou've aon zSmile gYou've aWon Szmile Ygou've Waon wmile hou've 3on
wSmile hYou've 3Won Swmile Yhou've W3on dmile 6ou've don dSmile 6You've dWon Sdmile Y6ou've Wdon emile uou've eon eSmile uYou've eWon
Semile Yuou've Weon xmile 7ou've son xSmile 7You've sWon Sxmile Y7ou've Wson amile jou've 2on aSmile jYou've 2Won Samile Yjou've W2on
Smmile tou've qon Sile tYou've qWon Simle Ytou've Wqon Sjile Yoou've Woon Sjmile Yu've Wn Smjile Yuo've Wno Skile Yku've Wkn
Skmile Ykou've Wkon Smkile Yoku've Wokn Snile Y9u've W9n Snmile Y9ou've W9on Smnile Yo9u've Wo9n Smiile Y0u've W0n Smle Y0ou've W0on
Smlie Yo0u've Wo0n Smjle Ylu've Wln Ylou've Wlon Smijle Yolu've Woln Sm9le Yiu've Win Sm9ile Yiou've Wion Smi9le Yoiu've Woin
Smlle Youu've Wonn Smlile Yo've Wo Smille Yo'uve Won Smole Yoh've Wom Smoile Yohu've Womn Smiole Youh've Wonm Smkle Yo7've Woh
Yo7u've Wohn Smikle You7've Wonh Sm8le Yok've Woj Sm8ile Wojn

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