In The End

Oh, I know a thing or two about love
And I know you've been sent from above
You're my angel that fell from above

Sometimes I have a dream about you
And wonder if sometimes you do
Have dreams about us too

Chorus: I want you, need to hold you again
This feeling breaks me, dont know that I can
Try to stop this, End up loving you in the end

With someone else, you're standing there
I act like I dont even care
But I need you to know that I care

If I had three wishes here today
I'd be giving two back and I'd say
All I want is you every day

Chorus x 2

In the end
In the end
In the end
In the end
In the end

Mirror lyrics:

In the end
In the end
In the end
In the end
In the end

Chorus x 2

All I want is you every day
I'd be giving two back and I'd say
If I had three wishes here today

But I need you to know that I care
I act like I dont even care
With someone else, you're standing there

Try to stop this, End up loving you in the end
This feeling breaks me, dont know that I can
Chorus: I want you, need to hold you again

Have dreams about us too
And wonder if sometimes you do
Sometimes I have a dream about you

You're my angel that fell from above
And I know you've been sent from above
Oh, I know a thing or two about love

Relevant Tags:
IIn TThe EEnd n he nd nI hTe nEd jn fhe snd jIn fThe sEnd Ijn Tfhe Esnd 9n 5he 3nd 9In 5The 3End I9n T5he E3nd ln hhe fnd lIn hThe fEnd
Iln Thhe Efnd on yhe rnd oIn yThe rEnd Ion Tyhe Ernd kn 6he 4nd kIn 6The 4End Ikn T6he E4nd 8n ghe dnd 8In gThe dEnd I8n Tghe Ednd un rhe wnd
uIn rThe wEnd Iun Trhe Ewnd Inn Ennd I Te Ed In Teh Edn Im Tje Emd Imn Tjhe Emnd Inm Thje Enmd Ih Tue Ehd Ihn Tuhe Ehnd Inh Thue Enhd

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