Lutricia Mcneal
You Showed Me

you showed me how to do
exactly what to do
and I fell in love with you

Oh, oh it´s true
you fell for me too

you showed me how to say
exactly what to say
in that very special way
oooh it´s true - you fell for me too

and when I tried it
I could see you falling
that´s when I decided
it´s not a trick at all

you showed me how to do
exactly what to do
and I fell in love with you
we´re in love we too

you showed me how to say
exactly what to say
in that very special way
oh - it´s true
you fell for me too

now you love me too

you show me exactly what to do
when I was feeling sad and blue
I was trying to seek some help
but I was hanging with a stupid crew
hanging around knuckleheads going
in the fastlane
my life - stuck in a bad game, only you
can explain the way
I feel boo - you´re stressed out so
won´t you tell me what´s the deal
boo - you changed me quick, you
changed my whole life
yo, I´m here for you tonight

Mirror lyrics:

yo, I´m here for you tonight
changed my whole life
boo - you changed me quick, you
won´t you tell me what´s the deal
I feel boo - you´re stressed out so
can explain the way
my life - stuck in a bad game, only you
in the fastlane
hanging around knuckleheads going
but I was hanging with a stupid crew
I was trying to seek some help
when I was feeling sad and blue
you show me exactly what to do

now you love me too

you fell for me too
oh - it´s true
in that very special way
exactly what to say
you showed me how to say

we´re in love we too
and I fell in love with you
exactly what to do
you showed me how to do

it´s not a trick at all
that´s when I decided
I could see you falling
and when I tried it

oooh it´s true - you fell for me too
in that very special way
exactly what to say
you showed me how to say

you fell for me too
Oh, oh it´s true

and I fell in love with you
exactly what to do
you showed me how to do

Relevant Tags:
YYou SShowed MMe ou howed e oYu hSowed eM gou zhowed je gYou zShowed jMe Ygou Szhowed Mje hou whowed ke hYou wShowed kMe Yhou Swhowed Mke
6ou dhowed ne 6You dShowed nMe Y6ou Sdhowed Mne uou ehowed Mee uYou eShowed M Yuou Sehowed Me 7ou xhowed Ms 7You xShowed Mse Y7ou Sxhowed Mes
jou ahowed M3 jYou aShowed M3e Yjou Sahowed Me3 tou Shhowed Mf tYou Sowed Mfe Ytou Sohwed Mef Yoou Sjowed Mr Yu Sjhowed Mre Yuo Shjowed Mer
Yku Suowed M4 Ykou Suhowed M4e Yoku Shuowed Me4 Y9u Snowed Md Y9ou Snhowed Mde Yo9u Shnowed Med Y0u Sbowed Mw Y0ou Sbhowed Mwe Yo0u Shbowed Mew
Ylu Sgowed Ylou Sghowed Yolu Shgowed Yiu Syowed Yiou Syhowed Yoiu Shyowed Youu Shoowed Yo Shwed You Shwoed
Yoh Shkwed Yohu Shkowed Youh Shokwed Yo7 Sh9wed Yo7u Sh9owed You7 Sho9wed Yok Sh0wed Sh0owed Youk Sho0wed
Yoi Shlwed Shlowed Youi Sholwed Yo8 Shiwed Yo8u Shiowed You8 Shoiwed

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