Luther Vandross
The Best Things In Life Are Free (feat. Janet Jack...

Are you ready?
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Free, baby, mmm

Boy, when you look at me
Do you judge me by my cover
Got to be kiddin' me
To think that I'm that kind of lover

I don't mean to disagree
Sorry you can't buy my kisses
Open your eyes and see
True love comes for free

I'm keepin' my heart open
Hopin' you won't stab me in it
‘Cause I've been in love before
When I had to pay I didn't

I lose my sanity
Tryin' to measure your intentions
What do you want from me
How much will it be?

No more than I'm willin' to give (Yeah, yeah)
‘Cause you won't pay nothin'
For this good lovin' (Alright), it's for free

And I won't make you promises [Uh-uh]
I'll just do all I can
To be your lover ‘cause I understand

The best things in life are free (Yeah)
Now that I've discovered what you mean to me
The best things (Yeah) in life are free
Now that we've got each other the best things in life are free

Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey [Come on now]
Ah, ha, ha, hey, yea, yea
I like that (Hey…)
Now, Janet [Mmm, Luther]

I know you are my baby
My one and only baby
You said it twice, I'll say it thrice
My baby, baby, baby

I've got so much love for you (Yeah, yeah)
And it's easy to give it
When I know you feel (Yeah, yeah) the same way too

That's all I expect from you
Just be all that you can
To be my lover ‘cause I understand
I do, I do, they say [Hoo…hoo]

The best things (Yeah) in life are free (Yeah)
Now that I've discovered what you mean to me (I discovered)
The best things in life are free
Now that we've got each other the best things in life are free

The best things in life are free
Now that I've discovered what you mean to me
The best things in life are free (So free, I'm free, so glad I'm free)
Now that we've got each other the best things in life are free
[BBD, tell ‘em ‘bout feel]

Sister, sister kickin' all that jazz (Yeah)
‘Cause money, honey want what you never had (Yeah)
A lot of bone structure I could make it last
I'm in it to win it, RD feel the past
Yeah, material, imperial, so get the info
You know I know it's not about the dough
So baby, baby, if you wanna be my lady
I'll forget the riches and the other itches
Mo' money, mo' money (Jam and Lewis, here we go)
Mo' money, mo' money (Luther, Janet, here we go)
Mo' money, mo' money (Biv, DeVoe, here we go)
Mo' money, mo' money (Ralph T, speak)
The best things in life are for free
Mmm, hmm

Free, baby (Yeah)

No more than I'm willin' to give (Willin' to give)
‘Cause you won't give me nothin'
For that good lovin', it's for free

And I won't make you promises [Ooh]
You see, I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be, we're gonna be, I'm gonna be
The very best I can
To be your lover ‘cause I understand [Ooh]

It feels good, feels good, feels good, feels so good

Uh, hold it, hold it, wait a minute
I still don't think they got it
Let's tell ‘em one more time, check it out
Everybody needs to know that

The best things (Yeah) in life are free (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Now that I've discovered what you mean to me (Oh, everybody knows that)
The best things (That's right) in life are free (Yeah)
Now that we've got each other (Each other)
The best things in life are free
(Don't you know, don't know)

The best things in life are free
(The best things in life are free, don't you know)
Now that I've discovered what you mean to me (What you mean to me)
The best things in life are free
Now that we've got each other the best things in life are free

Don't you know, don't you know
The very best in life is free
And I'm free, yeah

Mirror lyrics:

And I'm free, yeah
The very best in life is free
Don't you know, don't you know

Now that we've got each other the best things in life are free
The best things in life are free
Now that I've discovered what you mean to me (What you mean to me)
(The best things in life are free, don't you know)
The best things in life are free

(Don't you know, don't know)
The best things in life are free
Now that we've got each other (Each other)
The best things (That's right) in life are free (Yeah)
Now that I've discovered what you mean to me (Oh, everybody knows that)
The best things (Yeah) in life are free (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

Everybody needs to know that
Let's tell ‘em one more time, check it out
I still don't think they got it
Uh, hold it, hold it, wait a minute

It feels good, feels good, feels good, feels so good

To be your lover ‘cause I understand [Ooh]
The very best I can
You see, I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be, we're gonna be, I'm gonna be
And I won't make you promises [Ooh]

For that good lovin', it's for free
‘Cause you won't give me nothin'
No more than I'm willin' to give (Willin' to give)

Free, baby (Yeah)

Mmm, hmm
The best things in life are for free
Mo' money, mo' money (Ralph T, speak)
Mo' money, mo' money (Biv, DeVoe, here we go)
Mo' money, mo' money (Luther, Janet, here we go)
Mo' money, mo' money (Jam and Lewis, here we go)
I'll forget the riches and the other itches
So baby, baby, if you wanna be my lady
You know I know it's not about the dough
Yeah, material, imperial, so get the info
I'm in it to win it, RD feel the past
A lot of bone structure I could make it last
‘Cause money, honey want what you never had (Yeah)
Sister, sister kickin' all that jazz (Yeah)

[BBD, tell ‘em ‘bout feel]
Now that we've got each other the best things in life are free
The best things in life are free (So free, I'm free, so glad I'm free)
Now that I've discovered what you mean to me
The best things in life are free

Now that we've got each other the best things in life are free
The best things in life are free
Now that I've discovered what you mean to me (I discovered)
The best things (Yeah) in life are free (Yeah)

I do, I do, they say [Hoo…hoo]
To be my lover ‘cause I understand
Just be all that you can
That's all I expect from you

When I know you feel (Yeah, yeah) the same way too
And it's easy to give it
I've got so much love for you (Yeah, yeah)

My baby, baby, baby
You said it twice, I'll say it thrice
My one and only baby
I know you are my baby

Now, Janet [Mmm, Luther]
I like that (Hey…)
Ah, ha, ha, hey, yea, yea
Hey, hey, hey [Come on now]
Hey, hey, hey

Now that we've got each other the best things in life are free
The best things (Yeah) in life are free
Now that I've discovered what you mean to me
The best things in life are free (Yeah)

To be your lover ‘cause I understand
I'll just do all I can
And I won't make you promises [Uh-uh]

For this good lovin' (Alright), it's for free
‘Cause you won't pay nothin'
No more than I'm willin' to give (Yeah, yeah)

How much will it be?
What do you want from me
Tryin' to measure your intentions
I lose my sanity

When I had to pay I didn't
‘Cause I've been in love before
Hopin' you won't stab me in it
I'm keepin' my heart open

True love comes for free
Open your eyes and see
Sorry you can't buy my kisses
I don't mean to disagree

To think that I'm that kind of lover
Got to be kiddin' me
Do you judge me by my cover
Boy, when you look at me

Free, baby, mmm
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Are you ready?

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