Luther Vandross
The Rush

Oh, what happened?
You know when love comes
It seems you're never ready
That's why they call it the rush

Running right through my head
(The rush)

Tell me, tell me are you there?
Could it be that you're the answer to my prayer?
See, I've prayed for peace and love like so many of us do
Then I prayed to find someone like you, yeah

Up in the morning, fell out of my bed
Worn out, I couldn't sleep
Thoughts of you filled my head
How could it be, this is scaring me
(The rush)

It seems every time I try to rest my heart is when
The rush is back again
Maybe this time I'll make it work somehow
Guess, I'm gonna find out now

I get a rush and it's love for sure
What else can it be? Something beckons me and I go back for more
Oh, such a rush, running right through my head, can't pass love by
What else can I do? Something tells me to give it one more try, yeah

I'm not gonna die if love passes me by
It goes and comes around, I know
So maybe the next time, I'll be one of the few
Chosen by love to do just what I wanna do

I will carry on wading through every day 'til love needs me
Waiting for the rush to come and find me
I can forget back when love was an angel sent
It will be back again

I don't remember when, I can't remember how
It's very different now
It ain't a fantasy, it's very real to me
True to the touch, I get a rush

I get a rush and it's love for sure
What else can it be? Something's calling me and I go back for more
Yeah yeah
It's such a rush, running right through my head, can't pass love by

Mirror lyrics:

It's such a rush, running right through my head, can't pass love by
Yeah yeah
What else can it be? Something's calling me and I go back for more
I get a rush and it's love for sure

True to the touch, I get a rush
It ain't a fantasy, it's very real to me
It's very different now
I don't remember when, I can't remember how

It will be back again
I can forget back when love was an angel sent
Waiting for the rush to come and find me
I will carry on wading through every day 'til love needs me

Chosen by love to do just what I wanna do
So maybe the next time, I'll be one of the few
It goes and comes around, I know
I'm not gonna die if love passes me by

What else can I do? Something tells me to give it one more try, yeah
Oh, such a rush, running right through my head, can't pass love by
What else can it be? Something beckons me and I go back for more
I get a rush and it's love for sure

Guess, I'm gonna find out now
Maybe this time I'll make it work somehow
The rush is back again
It seems every time I try to rest my heart is when

(The rush)
How could it be, this is scaring me
Thoughts of you filled my head
Worn out, I couldn't sleep
Up in the morning, fell out of my bed

Then I prayed to find someone like you, yeah
See, I've prayed for peace and love like so many of us do
Could it be that you're the answer to my prayer?
Tell me, tell me are you there?

(The rush)
Running right through my head

That's why they call it the rush
It seems you're never ready
You know when love comes
Oh, what happened?

Relevant Tags:
TThe RRush he ush hTe uRsh fhe dush fThe dRush Tfhe Rdush 5he 4ush 5The 4Rush T5he R4ush hhe gush hThe gRush
Thhe Rgush yhe tush yThe tRush Tyhe Rtush 6he 5ush 6The 5Rush T6he R5ush ghe fush gThe fRush Tghe Rfush rhe eush
rThe eRush Trhe Reush Ruush Te Rsh Teh Rsuh Tje Rhsh Tjhe Rhush Thje Ruhsh Tue R7sh Tuhe R7ush Thue Ru7sh
Tne Rksh Tnhe Rkush Thne Ruksh Tbe Rish Tbhe Riush Thbe Ruish Tge R8sh R8ush Thge Ru8sh Tye Rjsh Rjush
Thye Rujsh

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