Lupe Fiasco
Pepsi Max Nfl Audible

Lupe Fiasco

What up it's Lupe Fiasco
You're watchin the Pepsi Max NFL audible

Nick Javas

Hello sports fans, we're coming down to the nitty-gritty
Who will be representin the city
It's the moment in motivatin' your back into it days
Allow me to pass it off to Lupe (Get 'em!)

Lupe Fiasco

Welcome to Chi-town, lie down, nah, never that
Packers and the Bears in the battle that never lasts
They go forever back to the days of Butkus and NInsky
was simply on this planet just to run blitz

Nick Javas

Up against each other in this
The one hundred and eighty-second clash of titans, do the math
Bitter rivals for ten short of a century
NO tryin' to be friendly
Who's applying their better D

Lupe Fiasco

For Chicago, comin off of the end is a beast
Far as I know, Julius will pepper the beef

Nick Javas

Put the season on it but Jennings steadily beats the
best of the DB's to get him his TD's
12 on the year like his quarterback wears
but he wont be signin any autographs here
The cornerback Bears got their hands full button hook
If you aint got your guard up like when that man pulls

Lupe Fiasco

But the Packers better punt it out of bounds,
Or Hester's gonna turn them into clowns and jesters
When 22 be running through them hummin blues
And B-Jax standing south of the B- gaps
Why would you insist on trying to split Brian and Briggs
applying the hits, denying them six
So cue the violins for the losers amused by their egos
their super bowl ring is being re-pulled

Nick Javas

And it was right there but now it lives in your nightmare
The pride of a Packer verse the flight of a Bear
The Lion's chair could only go to the king
See you next week, or see you in the spring

Lupe Fiasco

Dreams of rings that gleam upon the mantle are cancelled
If you plan to win it plan timid

Nick Javas

Quite the challenge
Who's gonna be trying their talents
In that one final fight in the palace

Mirror lyrics:

In that one final fight in the palace
Who's gonna be trying their talents
Quite the challenge

Nick Javas

If you plan to win it plan timid
Dreams of rings that gleam upon the mantle are cancelled

Lupe Fiasco

See you next week, or see you in the spring
The Lion's chair could only go to the king
The pride of a Packer verse the flight of a Bear
And it was right there but now it lives in your nightmare

Nick Javas

their super bowl ring is being re-pulled
So cue the violins for the losers amused by their egos
applying the hits, denying them six
Why would you insist on trying to split Brian and Briggs
And B-Jax standing south of the B- gaps
When 22 be running through them hummin blues
Or Hester's gonna turn them into clowns and jesters
But the Packers better punt it out of bounds,

Lupe Fiasco

If you aint got your guard up like when that man pulls
The cornerback Bears got their hands full button hook
but he wont be signin any autographs here
12 on the year like his quarterback wears
best of the DB's to get him his TD's
Put the season on it but Jennings steadily beats the

Nick Javas

Far as I know, Julius will pepper the beef
For Chicago, comin off of the end is a beast

Lupe Fiasco

Who's applying their better D
NO tryin' to be friendly
Bitter rivals for ten short of a century
The one hundred and eighty-second clash of titans, do the math
Up against each other in this

Nick Javas

was simply on this planet just to run blitz
They go forever back to the days of Butkus and NInsky
Packers and the Bears in the battle that never lasts
Welcome to Chi-town, lie down, nah, never that

Lupe Fiasco

Allow me to pass it off to Lupe (Get 'em!)
It's the moment in motivatin' your back into it days
Who will be representin the city
Hello sports fans, we're coming down to the nitty-gritty

Nick Javas

You're watchin the Pepsi Max NFL audible
What up it's Lupe Fiasco

Lupe Fiasco

Relevant Tags:
PPepsi MMax NNfl AAudible epsi ax fl udible ePpsi aMx fNl uAdible 0epsi jax mfl zudible 0Pepsi jMax mNfl zAudible P0epsi Mjax Nmfl Azudible
lepsi kax hfl qudible lPepsi kMax hNfl qAudible Plepsi Mkax Nhfl Aqudible oepsi nax jfl sudible oPepsi nMax jNfl sAudible Poepsi Mnax Njfl Asudible
Peepsi Maax bfl wudible Ppsi Mx bNfl wAudible Ppesi Mxa Nbfl Awudible Pspsi Mzx Nffl xudible Psepsi Mzax Nl xAudible Pespsi Mazx Nlf Axudible
P3psi Mqx Ncl Auudible P3epsi Mqax Ncfl Adible Pe3psi Maqx Nfcl Aduible Pfpsi Msx Nrl Ahdible Pfepsi Msax Nrfl Ahudible Pefpsi Masx Nfrl Auhdible
Prpsi Mwx Ngl A7dible Prepsi Mwax Ngfl A7udible Perpsi Mawx Nfgl Au7dible P4psi Mxx Ntl Akdible P4epsi Mxax Ntfl Akudible Pe4psi Maxx Nftl Aukdible
Pdpsi Nvl Aidible Pdepsi Ma Nvfl Aiudible Pedpsi Max Nfvl Auidible Pwpsi Mad Ndl A8dible Pwepsi Madx Ndfl A8udible Pewpsi Maxd Nfdl Au8dible
Peppsi Maz Nfll Ajdible Pesi Nf Ajudible Pespi Maxz Nfl Aujdible Pe0si Mac Nfk Aydible Pe0psi Macx Nfkl Ayudible Pep0si Maxc Nflk Auydible
Pelsi Mas Nfo Auddible Pelpsi Nfol Auible Peplsi Maxs Nflo Auidble Peosi Nfp Auxible Peopsi Nfpl Auxdible Peposi Nflp Audxible
Pepssi Aueible Pepi Auedible Pepis Audeible Pepzi Aufible Pepzsi Aufdible Pepszi Audfible
Pepwi Aurible Pepwsi Aurdible Pepswi Audrible Pepdi Aucible Pepdsi Aucdible Pepsdi Audcible
Pepei Ausible Pepesi Ausdible Pepsei Audsible Pepxi Audiible Pepxsi Audble Pepsxi Audbile
Pepai Audjble Pepasi Audjible Pepsai Audijble

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