Luther Vandross

Your love's never been better
So good it's a sin
But it's time for a decision
Is it me or him?
Before you make your mind up, hear me
I just want you to see things clearly
This should be about love, not money
Don't let him try to take you from me
I don't wanna have to apologize
I don't wanna feel I've been penalized
Just ‘cause I can drive in a better car
Live in a bigger house just like a superstar
He says that I can only give you
Material things, but that's not true
You see my heart is rich with love for you
Don't let him make you doubt my love for you
Yeah, baby
I work hard for my money
No one gave it to me
But some fools think the deeper the pocket
The smaller the heart will be, not true
I'm only tryin' to share me with you
Look at all the lovin' we do
Find the meaning in the words I'm sayin'
I'm not just another player playin'
I don't wanna have to apologize (or give a damn)
And I don't appreciate being criticized (for who I am)
Just ‘cause I can buy you a lotta things
Or take you anyplace
That's just what money brings
He wants you to believe that I'm tryin' to buy your love
‘Cause that's what he would do
He thinks since he's a man with nothing
That he's got better love for you
No way
Tell him now, let him go
Or I can no longer be yours
Tell him how you feel about me
I can't keep standing on the side
Don't let him fill your mind with lies about me
Leave him with his fallacies
I don't care what bull he believes
Tell him that enough is enough
Just don't return a disbeliever
You've always been a willing receiver of my love
I don't think I have to apologize (I work for this)
I don't wanna feel like I'm penalized (for being rich)
Doesn't bother me where he thinks I stand
I'm bein' my true self
Just doin' what I can
He thinks I won you with materiality
But honey, you know that's not so
And even if he understood me
It's simply time for him to go---so let him go!
I don't wanna change you
‘cause I'm in love with who you are
So I don't wanna apologize for bein' a superstar
Haven't I proved that I'm here for you?
What am I guilty of?
What did or didn't I do?
Maybe I can't be myself with somebody
Who believes such things are true
I'm losing self-respect from trying
I'm losing my desire too---I can't do it
I don't wanna have to apologize (or give a damn)
I don't wanna feel I've been penalized (for who I am)
Just ‘cause I can buy you a lotta things
Or take you anyplace
That's just what money brings
He wants you to believe that I'm tryin' to buy your love
‘Cause that's what he would do

Mirror lyrics:

‘Cause that's what he would do
He wants you to believe that I'm tryin' to buy your love
That's just what money brings
Or take you anyplace
Just ‘cause I can buy you a lotta things
I don't wanna feel I've been penalized (for who I am)
I don't wanna have to apologize (or give a damn)
I'm losing my desire too---I can't do it
I'm losing self-respect from trying
Who believes such things are true
Maybe I can't be myself with somebody
What did or didn't I do?
What am I guilty of?
Haven't I proved that I'm here for you?
So I don't wanna apologize for bein' a superstar
‘cause I'm in love with who you are
I don't wanna change you
It's simply time for him to go---so let him go!
And even if he understood me
But honey, you know that's not so
He thinks I won you with materiality
Just doin' what I can
I'm bein' my true self
Doesn't bother me where he thinks I stand
I don't wanna feel like I'm penalized (for being rich)
I don't think I have to apologize (I work for this)
You've always been a willing receiver of my love
Just don't return a disbeliever
Tell him that enough is enough
I don't care what bull he believes
Leave him with his fallacies
Don't let him fill your mind with lies about me
I can't keep standing on the side
Tell him how you feel about me
Or I can no longer be yours
Tell him now, let him go
No way
That he's got better love for you
He thinks since he's a man with nothing
‘Cause that's what he would do
He wants you to believe that I'm tryin' to buy your love
That's just what money brings
Or take you anyplace
Just ‘cause I can buy you a lotta things
And I don't appreciate being criticized (for who I am)
I don't wanna have to apologize (or give a damn)
I'm not just another player playin'
Find the meaning in the words I'm sayin'
Look at all the lovin' we do
I'm only tryin' to share me with you
The smaller the heart will be, not true
But some fools think the deeper the pocket
No one gave it to me
I work hard for my money
Yeah, baby
Don't let him make you doubt my love for you
You see my heart is rich with love for you
Material things, but that's not true
He says that I can only give you
Live in a bigger house just like a superstar
Just ‘cause I can drive in a better car
I don't wanna feel I've been penalized
I don't wanna have to apologize
Don't let him try to take you from me
This should be about love, not money
I just want you to see things clearly
Before you make your mind up, hear me
Is it me or him?
But it's time for a decision
So good it's a sin
Your love's never been better

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