Luther Allison
Gave It All

You're one woman
You are all I need
I have a lot of fun now
Tryin' to keep you pleased, Lord

Just remember I love you, baby
I gave you what you need
Anyway, darlin', I gave it all

There's no need
You sittin' around cryin'
Because you know
Cryin' won't, no, ease your mind

So what can I do now, baby
Tell me what can I say
Anyway, darlin', I gave it all

Never worry
I'm always follow your sign
Oh, it hurts me so bad, yes, it do
Every time I see you cry

So don't be a fool, baby
Why can't you realize
Here's a man who love you
And don't you be surprised

Mirror lyrics:

And don't you be surprised
Here's a man who love you
Why can't you realize
So don't be a fool, baby

Every time I see you cry
Oh, it hurts me so bad, yes, it do
I'm always follow your sign
Never worry

Anyway, darlin', I gave it all
Tell me what can I say
So what can I do now, baby

Cryin' won't, no, ease your mind
Because you know
You sittin' around cryin'
There's no need

Anyway, darlin', I gave it all
I gave you what you need
Just remember I love you, baby

Tryin' to keep you pleased, Lord
I have a lot of fun now
You are all I need
You're one woman

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GGave IIt AAll ave t ll aGve tI lAl have jt zll hGave jIt zAll Ghave Ijt Azll yave 9t qll yGave 9It qAll Gyave I9t Aqll bave lt sll
bGave lIt sAll Gbave Ilt Asll vave ot wll vGave oIt wAll Gvave Iot Awll fave kt xll fGave kIt xAll Gfave Ikt Axll tave 8t Alll tGave 8It Al
Gtave I8t All Gaave ut Akl Gve uIt Akll Gvae Iut Alkl Gzve Itt Aol Gzave I Aoll Gazve It Alol Gqve If Apl Gqave Ift Apll Gaqve Itf Alpl
Gsve I5 Gsave I5t Gasve It5 Gwve Ih Alk Gwave Iht Gawve Ith Allk Gxve Iy Alo Gxave Iyt Gaxve Ity Allo

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