Machine Head
Exhale The Vile

Can't match the stare within these eyes
Do you have the strength for all your lies
Can't stand the pain with which i see
This integrity is what i breathe
I inhale this life i gave to you
And exhale the vile

Time will tell Because my friend and
Never will I concede the end
Cause catarac resin fills my eyes
Never gonna see the man Through your fake lies
Tell me the things that'll take time
To help see the things That'll take this
Burn inside of me

Can't feel the sting from words gone by
Can't keep the papers filled with lies
Ten fold, this confidence I breed
Created back the words I see
I'll inhale this gift I gave to you
And exhale the vile
Kill this fire with gasoline
Convictions I spit, my faith obscene
Heretic Jackals worship liars
Forever I'll be the god that you desire

Tell me the things that'll take time
To help see the things that'll take this
And hold onto things that'll make my
To make me the thing that breaks this
Burn inside of me

Time will tell because my friend and
Never will I concede the end
Heretic Jackals worship liars
Forever I'll be the god that you desire

Tell me the things that'll take time
To help see the things that'll take this
And hold onto things that'll make my
To make me the thing that breaks this Burn inside of me
Burn inside of me, Burn inside of me, Burn inside of me

Mirror lyrics:

Burn inside of me, Burn inside of me, Burn inside of me
To make me the thing that breaks this Burn inside of me
And hold onto things that'll make my
To help see the things that'll take this
Tell me the things that'll take time

Forever I'll be the god that you desire
Heretic Jackals worship liars
Never will I concede the end
Time will tell because my friend and

Burn inside of me
To make me the thing that breaks this
And hold onto things that'll make my
To help see the things that'll take this
Tell me the things that'll take time

Forever I'll be the god that you desire
Heretic Jackals worship liars
Convictions I spit, my faith obscene
Kill this fire with gasoline
And exhale the vile
I'll inhale this gift I gave to you
Created back the words I see
Ten fold, this confidence I breed
Can't keep the papers filled with lies
Can't feel the sting from words gone by

Burn inside of me
To help see the things That'll take this
Tell me the things that'll take time
Never gonna see the man Through your fake lies
Cause catarac resin fills my eyes
Never will I concede the end
Time will tell Because my friend and

And exhale the vile
I inhale this life i gave to you
This integrity is what i breathe
Can't stand the pain with which i see
Do you have the strength for all your lies
Can't match the stare within these eyes

Relevant Tags:
EExhale TThe VVile xhale he ile xEhale hTe iVle sxhale fhe bile sExhale fThe bVile Esxhale Tfhe Vbile 3xhale 5he cile
3Exhale 5The cVile E3xhale T5he Vcile fxhale hhe gile fExhale hThe gVile Efxhale Thhe Vgile rxhale yhe file rExhale yThe fVile
Erxhale Tyhe Vfile 4xhale 6he Viile 4Exhale 6The Vle E4xhale T6he Vlie dxhale ghe Vjle dExhale gThe Vjile Edxhale Tghe Vijle
wxhale rhe V9le wExhale rThe V9ile Ewxhale Trhe Vi9le Exxhale Vlle Ehale Te Vlile Ehxale Teh Ville Edhale Tje Vole
Tjhe Voile Exdhale Thje Viole Ezhale Tue Vkle Ezxhale Tuhe Vkile Exzhale Thue Vikle Echale Tne V8le Ecxhale Tnhe V8ile
Exchale Thne Vi8le Eshale Tbe Vule Tbhe Vuile Exshale Thbe Viule Exhhale Tge Exale Vie Exahle Thge Viel
Exjale Tye Vike Exjhale Exhjale Thye Vilke Exuale Thee Vioe Exuhale Th Exhuale The Viloe Exnale Ths Vipe
Exnhale Thse Viple Exhnale Thes Vilpe Exbale Th3 Vilee Exbhale Th3e Vil Exhbale The3 Vile Exgale Thf Vils Exghale Thfe Vilse

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