Maaya Sakamoto
Life Is Good

Hey! What cha say
Let's get lost and take a big vacation
A summer long siesta fun holiday!

Say! It's our time
To do what we want, now, when we want it
They don't expect too much from us anyway

Tomorrow will tomorrow
Be today, today
Anything that people way don't mean a thing
'Cause it's time for livin'

Life is a canvas
And the paint is hope and promise
The world is ours
No one could ever take it from us
The sky is blue
The day is new
The sun is shinin' down
You know life is good
We got each other
And that's all we need

Hey! It's okay
We can paint the world bright, any colour
Yeah, coming back from nowhere or on the way

Don't be afraid
Just be happy that we're not our mothers
Slavin' over papa all night and day

The future is the future
Que sera sera
We can make some sense of it all
When we get old
Let's do something stupid

Life is a real gas
If you take the time to notice
Let's live it right now
'Cause no one can live it for us
We got the time
The weather's fine
The world is spinnin' round
You know life is good
In it together always
You and me

Life is a canvas
And the paint is hope and promise
The world is ours
No one could ever take it from us
The sky is blue
The day is new
The sun is shinin' down
You know life is good
We got each other
And that's all we need

Life is about us
Just in case you didn't notice
We're on our way now
And nothing is gonna stop us
We got the time
It's yours and mine
We'll take it on the run
You know life is good
In it forever, yeah just you and me.

Mirror lyrics:

In it forever, yeah just you and me.
You know life is good
We'll take it on the run
It's yours and mine
We got the time
And nothing is gonna stop us
We're on our way now
Just in case you didn't notice
Life is about us

And that's all we need
We got each other
You know life is good
The sun is shinin' down
The day is new
The sky is blue
No one could ever take it from us
The world is ours
And the paint is hope and promise
Life is a canvas

You and me
In it together always
You know life is good
The world is spinnin' round
The weather's fine
We got the time
'Cause no one can live it for us
Let's live it right now
If you take the time to notice
Life is a real gas

Let's do something stupid
When we get old
We can make some sense of it all
Que sera sera
The future is the future

Slavin' over papa all night and day
Just be happy that we're not our mothers
Don't be afraid

Yeah, coming back from nowhere or on the way
We can paint the world bright, any colour
Hey! It's okay

And that's all we need
We got each other
You know life is good
The sun is shinin' down
The day is new
The sky is blue
No one could ever take it from us
The world is ours
And the paint is hope and promise
Life is a canvas

'Cause it's time for livin'
Anything that people way don't mean a thing
Be today, today
Tomorrow will tomorrow

They don't expect too much from us anyway
To do what we want, now, when we want it
Say! It's our time

A summer long siesta fun holiday!
Let's get lost and take a big vacation
Hey! What cha say

Relevant Tags:
LLife IIs GGood ife s ood iLfe sI oGod kife js hood kLife jIs hGood Lkife Ijs Ghood oife 9s yood oLife 9Is yGood Loife I9s Gyood
pife ls bood pLife lIs bGood Lpife Ils Gbood Liife os vood Lfe oIs vGood Lfie Ios Gvood Ljfe ks food Ljife kIs fGood Lijfe Iks Gfood
L9fe 8s tood L9ife 8Is tGood Li9fe I8s Gtood Llfe us Goood Llife uIs God Lilfe Ius Good Lofe Iss Gkod I Gkood Liofe Is Gokod
Lkfe Iz G9od Izs G9ood Likfe Isz Go9od L8fe Iw G0od L8ife Iws G0ood Li8fe Isw Go0od Lufe Id Glod Luife Ids Glood Liufe Isd Golod
Liffe Ie Giod Lie Ies Giood

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