For Keeps

Somethings changing in my mind
I'm looking for a key
You came through but just passed by
Gave me enough to see
I'm looking for no other guy
I'll search until I find
Thinkin' of just you and I
You and I

Do you wanna, wanna know how
How it's all gon', gonna go down
I believe that, me and you can
Get together, we can be that

Patiently I'm waitin' for (I'm waitin' for) you to notice me
I know you have what you don't know (You just don't know)
How deep are my feelings
It's something that I just can't hide (I just can't hide)
I'll just push it aside
So won't you just give me a try (Give me a try)
Me a try


You could take me, mate me
Please don't break me
Wanna have it together so we can rock daily
This beautiful site in front of my eyes
Got me up in a sweat, breakin' out in hives
Had to swallow my pride, couldn't let him go by
So I step to my Benz, let him know what it is
In the future maybe we could have some kids
But for now let's get to know each other
And just live

My feelings are to strong to hide anymore
So I let you know (let you know)
I'm dealing wit' my heart not pride
I need more so I let it show (let it show)
If you wanna be by my side, maybe don't hide
It's you and I (you and I)


Mirror lyrics:


It's you and I (you and I)
If you wanna be by my side, maybe don't hide
I need more so I let it show (let it show)
I'm dealing wit' my heart not pride
So I let you know (let you know)
My feelings are to strong to hide anymore

And just live
But for now let's get to know each other
In the future maybe we could have some kids
So I step to my Benz, let him know what it is
Had to swallow my pride, couldn't let him go by
Got me up in a sweat, breakin' out in hives
This beautiful site in front of my eyes
Wanna have it together so we can rock daily
Please don't break me
You could take me, mate me


Me a try
So won't you just give me a try (Give me a try)
I'll just push it aside
It's something that I just can't hide (I just can't hide)
How deep are my feelings
I know you have what you don't know (You just don't know)
Patiently I'm waitin' for (I'm waitin' for) you to notice me

Get together, we can be that
I believe that, me and you can
How it's all gon', gonna go down
Do you wanna, wanna know how

You and I
Thinkin' of just you and I
I'll search until I find
I'm looking for no other guy
Gave me enough to see
You came through but just passed by
I'm looking for a key
Somethings changing in my mind

Relevant Tags:
FFor KKeeps or eeps oFr eKeps cor leeps cFor lKeeps Fcor Kleeps ror oeeps rFor oKeeps Fror Koeeps gor meeps gFor mKeeps
Fgor Kmeeps tor jeeps tFor jKeeps Ftor Kjeeps vor ieeps vFor iKeeps Fvor Kieeps dor Keeeps dFor Keps Fdor Keeps Foor Kseps
Fr Kseeps Fro Keseps Fkr K3eps Fkor K3eeps Fokr Ke3eps F9r Kfeps F9or Kfeeps Fo9r Kefeps F0r Kreps F0or Kreeps Fo0r Kereps
Flr K4eps Flor K4eeps Folr Ke4eps Fir Kdeps Fior Kdeeps Foir Kedeps Forr Kweps Fo Kweeps For Keweps Fod Fodr
Ford Kepes

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