In Tears (japan Bonus Track)

Release, I let it flow

As I watch you go

Goodbye and farewell

Feeling the hate by my side

Take its hand I just might

Goodbye and farewell

As I lay down and cry

I watch you go in tears

My wounded soul it tears apart

Feeling the hate by my side

Take its hand I just might

As I lay down and cry

I watch you go in tears

Mirror lyrics:

I watch you go in tears

As I lay down and cry

Take its hand I just might

Feeling the hate by my side

My wounded soul it tears apart

I watch you go in tears

As I lay down and cry

Goodbye and farewell

Take its hand I just might

Feeling the hate by my side

Goodbye and farewell

As I watch you go

Release, I let it flow

Relevant Tags:
IIn TTears ((japan BBonus TTrack) n ears japan onus rack) nI eTars j(apan oBnus rTack) jn fears (jjapan vonus frack) jIn fTears (apan vBonus fTrack)
Ijn Tfears (ajpan Bvonus Tfrack) 9n 5ears (kapan gonus 5rack) 9In 5Tears (kjapan gBonus 5Track) I9n T5ears (jkapan Bgonus T5rack) ln hears (iapan nonus hrack)
lIn hTears (ijapan nBonus hTrack) Iln Thears (jiapan Bnonus Thrack) on years (mapan honus yrack) oIn yTears (mjapan hBonus yTrack) Ion Tyears (jmapan Bhonus Tyrack)
kn 6ears (napan Boonus 6rack) kIn 6Tears (njapan Bnus 6Track) Ikn T6ears (jnapan Bnous T6rack) 8n gears (hapan Bknus grack) 8In gTears (hjapan Bkonus gTrack)
I8n Tgears (jhapan Boknus Tgrack) un rears (uapan B9nus rrack) uIn rTears (ujapan B9onus rTrack) Iun Trears (juapan Bo9nus Trrack) Inn Teears (jaapan B0nus
I Tars (jpan B0onus Tack) In Taers (jpaan Bo0nus Tarck) Im Tsars (jzpan Blnus Tdack) Imn Tsears (jzapan Blonus Tdrack) Inm Tesars (jazpan Bolnus Trdack)
Ih T3ars (jqpan Binus T4ack) Ihn T3ears (jqapan Bionus T4rack) Inh Te3ars (jaqpan Boinus Tr4ack) Ij Tfars (jspan Bonnus Tgack) (jsapan Bous
Inj Tefars (jaspan Bouns Trgack) Ib Trars (jwpan Bomus Ttack) Ibn (jwapan Bomnus Ttrack) Inb Terars (jawpan Bonmus Trtack) T4ars (jxpan Bohus T5ack)
T4ears (jxapan Bohnus Te4ars (jaxpan Bonhus Tr5ack) Tdars (jappan Bojus Tfack) Tdears (jaan Bojnus Tedars (jaapn Bonjus Trfack)
Twars (ja0an Bobus Teack) Twears (ja0pan Bobnus Terack) Tewars (jap0an Bonbus Treack) Teaars (jalan Bonuus Traack) Ters (jalpan Bons Trck)
Teras (japlan Bonsu Trcak) Tezrs (jaoan Bonhs Trzck) Tezars (jaopan Trzack)

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