Luis Fonsi
You Got Nothing On Me

You're looking at me like you got something to say
C'mon give it away
And tell me what you're thinking baby

You're stepping at me like you might have a name
A time a date a place
But all you really got is hearsay

Cause I've been holding you
And I've been kissing you
Been loving only you
So don't make no mistakes

Baby what you got on me is a lover
not a thief
I might steal your heart away
I'll give you back mine in exchange
Baby I will always be
True to you cause I don't cheat
So whatever you think
You got nothing on me

Why would you listen to what others say
It's just people trying to make
Trouble cause we're happy

You should know me by now I'd never stray
Or try to hurt you in any way
And your assumptions only make me question

Why I've been holding you
Why I've been kissing you
Cause I've been into you
Did I make a mistake

What you want
What you need
Is everything I've tried to be

Your friend, no matter when
Baby you have to believe
You've got all that in me

Mirror lyrics:

You've got all that in me
Baby you have to believe
Your friend, no matter when

Is everything I've tried to be
What you need
What you want

Did I make a mistake
Cause I've been into you
Why I've been kissing you
Why I've been holding you

And your assumptions only make me question
Or try to hurt you in any way
You should know me by now I'd never stray

Trouble cause we're happy
It's just people trying to make
Why would you listen to what others say

You got nothing on me
So whatever you think
True to you cause I don't cheat
Baby I will always be
I'll give you back mine in exchange
I might steal your heart away
not a thief
Baby what you got on me is a lover

So don't make no mistakes
Been loving only you
And I've been kissing you
Cause I've been holding you

But all you really got is hearsay
A time a date a place
You're stepping at me like you might have a name

And tell me what you're thinking baby
C'mon give it away
You're looking at me like you got something to say

Relevant Tags:
YYou GGot NNothing OOn MMe ou ot othing n e oYu oGt oNthing nO eM gou hot mothing kn je gYou hGot mNothing kOn jMe Ygou Ghot Nmothing Okn Mje
hou yot hothing 9n ke hYou yGot hNothing 9On kMe Yhou Gyot Nhothing O9n Mke 6ou bot jothing 0n ne 6You bGot jNothing 0On nMe Y6ou Gbot Njothing O0n Mne
uou vot bothing ln Mee uYou vGot bNothing lOn M Yuou Gvot Nbothing Oln Me 7ou fot Noothing in Ms 7You fGot Nthing iOn Mse Y7ou Gfot Ntohing Oin Mes
jou tot Nkthing Onn M3 jYou tGot Nkothing O M3e Yjou Gtot Nokthing On Me3 tou Goot N9thing Om Mf tYou Gt N9othing Omn Mfe Ytou Gto No9thing Onm Mef
Yoou Gkt N0thing Oh Mr Yu Gkot N0othing Ohn Mre Yuo Gokt No0thing Onh Mer Yku G9t Nlthing Oj M4 Ykou G9ot Nlothing Ojn M4e Yoku Go9t Nolthing Onj Me4
Y9u G0t Nithing Ob Md Y9ou G0ot Niothing Obn Mde Yo9u Go0t Noithing Onb Med Y0u Glt Notthing Mw Y0ou Glot Nohing Mwe Yo0u Golt Nohting Mew
Ylu Git Nofhing Ylou Giot Nofthing Yolu Goit Notfhing Yiu Gott No5hing Yiou Go No5thing Yoiu Got Not5hing
Youu Gof Nohhing Yo Goft Nohthing You Gotf Nothhing Yoh Go5 Noyhing Yohu Go5t Noything Youh Got5 Notyhing
Yo7 Goh No6hing Yo7u Goht No6thing You7 Goth Not6hing Yok Goy Noghing Goyt Nogthing Youk Goty Notghing
Yoi Go6 Norhing Go6t Northing Youi Got6 Notrhing Yo8 Gog Yo8u Gogt Noting You8 Gotg Notihng
Yoj Gor Notjing Yoju Gort Notjhing Youj Gotr Nothjing Yoy Notuing Yoyu Notuhing

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