One Fine Line

(i scream when you're away from me)
this is me, and i've lost all that i've gained,
all the work, sweat and tears, through toil and pain.
i'll never play this song again.

confidence doesn't coincide,
with the life i live, the true one inside.
and the life i live is a give or a take,
i'll take what is given,
i'll give feeling that's fake .

(i scream when you're away from me)
this is me, and i've lost all that i've gained,
all the work, sweat and tears, through toil and pain.
i'll never play this song again.

your black heart is shining red,
and it's obvious.
it's obvious to me,
if you read between the lines.

(i scream when you're away from me)
this is me, and i've lost all that i've gained,
all the work, sweat and tears, through toil and pain.
i'll never play this song.

your black heart is shining red
and it's obvious
it's obvious to me
(read) if you read between the lines
(read) read between the lines

Mirror lyrics:

(read) read between the lines
(read) if you read between the lines
it's obvious to me
and it's obvious
your black heart is shining red

i'll never play this song.
all the work, sweat and tears, through toil and pain.
this is me, and i've lost all that i've gained,
(i scream when you're away from me)

if you read between the lines.
it's obvious to me,
and it's obvious.
your black heart is shining red,

i'll never play this song again.
all the work, sweat and tears, through toil and pain.
this is me, and i've lost all that i've gained,
(i scream when you're away from me)

i'll give feeling that's fake .
i'll take what is given,
and the life i live is a give or a take,
with the life i live, the true one inside.
confidence doesn't coincide,

i'll never play this song again.
all the work, sweat and tears, through toil and pain.
this is me, and i've lost all that i've gained,
(i scream when you're away from me)

Relevant Tags:
OOne FFine LLine ne ine ine nOe iFne iLne kne cine kine kOne cFine kLine Okne Fcine Lkine 9ne rine oine 9One rFine oLine O9ne Frine Loine
0ne gine pine 0One gFine pLine O0ne Fgine Lpine lne tine Liine lOne tFine Lne Olne Ftine Lnie ine vine Ljne iOne vFine Ljine Oine Fvine Lijne
Onne dine L9ne Oe dFine L9ine Oen Fdine Li9ne Ome Fiine Llne Omne Fne Lline Onme Fnie Lilne Ohe Fjne Lone Ohne Fjine Onhe Fijne Lione
Oje F9ne Lkne Ojne F9ine Onje Fi9ne Likne Obe Flne L8ne Obne Fline L8ine Onbe Filne Li8ne Onee Fone Lune On Foine Luine One Fione Liune
Ons Fkne Linne Onse Fkine Lie Ones Fikne Lien On3 F8ne Lime On3e F8ine Limne One3 Fi8ne Linme

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