Manilla Road
Out Of Control With Rock & Roll

The Fire in my heart is burning... out of control
And I can't seem to stop this yearning... for rock & roll
I've tried to hold my feelings
But when the music starts it sends my head a-reeling

I'm Out of Control with Rock & Roll
I'm Out of Control with Rock & Roll

Take me through the frozen wastelands
Just take me higher and higher
So I can try and forget
This hellband raging desire

I'm Out of Control with Rock & Roll
I'm Out of Control with Rock & Roll

Do It to Ya
I don't know how this is happening
I don't if this is Real
I think I'm changing
I don't know how I should feel
How I should feel
In my Soul
I'm Out of Control with Rock & Roll
I'm Out of Control with Rock & Roll

The Fire in my heart is burning... out of control
And I can't seeem to stop this yearning... for rock & roll
A million Hells I suffer
Just to rock & roll forever

I'm Out of Control with Rock & Roll
I'm Out of Control with Rock & Roll

Mirror lyrics:

I'm Out of Control with Rock & Roll
I'm Out of Control with Rock & Roll

Just to rock & roll forever
A million Hells I suffer
And I can't seeem to stop this yearning... for rock & roll
The Fire in my heart is burning... out of control

I'm Out of Control with Rock & Roll
I'm Out of Control with Rock & Roll
In my Soul
How I should feel
I don't know how I should feel
I think I'm changing
I don't if this is Real
I don't know how this is happening
Do It to Ya

I'm Out of Control with Rock & Roll
I'm Out of Control with Rock & Roll

This hellband raging desire
So I can try and forget
Just take me higher and higher
Take me through the frozen wastelands

I'm Out of Control with Rock & Roll
I'm Out of Control with Rock & Roll

But when the music starts it sends my head a-reeling
I've tried to hold my feelings
And I can't seem to stop this yearning... for rock & roll
The Fire in my heart is burning... out of control

Relevant Tags:
OOut OOf CControl WWith RRock && RRoll ut f ontrol ith ock oll uOt fO oCntrol iWth oRck & oRll kut kf fontrol aith dock doll kOut kOf fControl aWith dRock dRoll
Okut Okf Cfontrol Waith Rdock Rdoll 9ut 9f xontrol 3ith 4ock 4oll 9Out 9Of xControl 3With 4Rock 4Roll O9ut O9f Cxontrol W3ith R4ock R4oll 0ut 0f vontrol dith gock goll
0Out 0Of vControl dWith gRock gRoll O0ut O0f Cvontrol Wdith Rgock Rgoll lut lf dontrol eith tock toll lOut lOf dControl eWith tRock tRoll Olut Olf Cdontrol Weith Rtock Rtoll
iut if Coontrol sith 5ock 5oll iOut iOf Cntrol sWith 5Rock 5Roll Oiut Oif Cnotrol Wsith R5ock R5oll Ouut Off Ckntrol 2ith fock foll Ot O Ckontrol 2With fRock fRoll
Otu Of Cokntrol W2ith Rfock Rfoll Oht Oc C9ntrol qith eock eoll Ohut Ocf C9ontrol qWith eRock eRoll Ouht Ofc Co9ntrol Wqith Reock Reoll O7t Or C0ntrol Wiith Roock Rooll
O7ut Orf C0ontrol Wth Rck Rll Ou7t Ofr Co0ntrol Wtih Rcok Rlol Okt Og Clntrol Wjth Rkck Rkll Ogf Clontrol Wjith Rkock Rkoll Oukt Ofg Colntrol Wijth Rokck Rokll
Oit Ot Cintrol W9th R9ck R9ll Otf Ciontrol W9ith R9ock R9oll Ouit Oft Cointrol Wi9th Ro9ck Ro9ll O8t Ov Conntrol Wlth R0ck R0ll O8ut Ovf Cotrol Wlith R0ock R0oll
Ou8t Ofv Cotnrol Wilth Ro0ck Ro0ll Ojt Od Comtrol Woth Rlck Rlll Ojut Odf Comntrol Woith Rlock Rloll Oujt Ofd Conmtrol Wioth Rolck Rolll Oyt Cohtrol Wkth Rick Rill
Oyut Cohntrol Wkith Riock Rioll Ouyt Conhtrol Wikth Roick Roill Outt Cojtrol W8th Rocck Ou Cojntrol W8ith Rok Rol Out Conjtrol Wi8th Rokc Roll
Ouf Cobtrol Wuth Rofk Rokl Ouft Cobntrol Wuith Rofck Outf Conbtrol Wiuth Rocfk Rolkl Ou5 Conttrol Witth Roxk Rool Ou5t Conrol Wih Roxck
Out5 Conrtol Wiht Rocxk Rolol Ouh Confrol Wifh Rovk Ropl Conftrol Wifth Rovck Ropll Outh Contfrol Witfh Rocvk Rolpl Ouy Con5rol Wi5h Rodk
Con5trol Wi5th Rodck Outy Cont5rol Wit5h Rocdk Ou6 Conhrol Wihh Rockk Rolk Ou6t Wihth Roc

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