I'm Ready To Love You Again

I've been so lonely with out you,
Can't get you out of my mind,
Wondering what you been up to all this time, (mmmm)

I heard you been asking about me
And if I found somebody new
That's why I called you so late tonight, to talk about what we should do

Cause I'm ready to love you again,
I'm just waiting to hear you say when
Now I know I can give you so much more than I ever could before,
Yes I'm ready to love you again, only this time I wont let end,
So turn off the light and hold on tight,
If you ready to love me again

It's been so long since I saw you,
Maybe everything's changed
But I knew I still had to see you, just the same (mmmm)
Feel that old feeling between us,
So I'm putting my heart on the line,
Letting you know that I can't let go,
Asking to try one more time,

Cause I'm ready to love you again,
I'm just waiting to hear you say when,
Now I know I can give you so much more than I ever could before,
Yes I'm ready to love you again, only this time I wont let end,
So turn off the light and hold on tight,

Cause I'm ready to love you again,
I'm just waiting to hear you say when,
Now I know I can give you so much more than I ever could before,
Yes I'm ready to love you again, only this time I wont let end,
So turn off the light and hold on tight,
If you ready to love me again (Yeah)
Please say when,
I know I can give you so much more than I ever could before

Yeah, yes I'm ready, only this time I won't let end
So turn off the lights and hold on tight, if you ready to love me

Mirror lyrics:

So turn off the lights and hold on tight, if you ready to love me
Yeah, yes I'm ready, only this time I won't let end

I know I can give you so much more than I ever could before
Please say when,
If you ready to love me again (Yeah)
So turn off the light and hold on tight,
Yes I'm ready to love you again, only this time I wont let end,
Now I know I can give you so much more than I ever could before,
I'm just waiting to hear you say when,
Cause I'm ready to love you again,

So turn off the light and hold on tight,
Yes I'm ready to love you again, only this time I wont let end,
Now I know I can give you so much more than I ever could before,
I'm just waiting to hear you say when,
Cause I'm ready to love you again,

Asking to try one more time,
Letting you know that I can't let go,
So I'm putting my heart on the line,
Feel that old feeling between us,
But I knew I still had to see you, just the same (mmmm)
Maybe everything's changed
It's been so long since I saw you,

If you ready to love me again
So turn off the light and hold on tight,
Yes I'm ready to love you again, only this time I wont let end,
Now I know I can give you so much more than I ever could before,
I'm just waiting to hear you say when
Cause I'm ready to love you again,

That's why I called you so late tonight, to talk about what we should do
And if I found somebody new
I heard you been asking about me

Wondering what you been up to all this time, (mmmm)
Can't get you out of my mind,
I've been so lonely with out you,

Relevant Tags:
II'm RReady TTo LLove YYou AAgain 'm eady o ove ou gain 'Im eRady oT oLve oYu gAain j'm deady fo kove gou zgain jI'm dReady fTo kLove gYou zAgain
Ij'm Rdeady Tfo Lkove Ygou Azgain 9'm 4eady 5o oove hou qgain 9I'm 4Ready 5To oLove hYou qAgain I9'm R4eady T5o Loove Yhou Aqgain l'm geady ho pove 6ou sgain
lI'm gReady hTo pLove 6You sAgain Il'm Rgeady Tho Lpove Y6ou Asgain o'm teady yo uou wgain oI'm tReady yTo Lve uYou wAgain Io'm Rteady Tyo Lvoe Yuou Awgain
k'm 5eady 6o Lkve 7ou xgain kI'm 5Ready 6To 7You xAgain Ik'm R5eady T6o Lokve Y7ou Axgain 8'm feady go L9ve jou Aggain 8I'm fReady gTo L9ove jYou Aain
I8'm Rfeady Tgo Lo9ve Yjou Aagin u'm eeady ro L0ve tou Ahain uI'm eReady rTo L0ove tYou Ahgain Iu'm Reeady Tro Lo0ve Ytou Aghain I''m Too Llve Yoou Ayain
Im Rady T Llove Yu Aygain Im' Raedy To Lolve Yuo Agyain I'mm Rsady Tk Live Yku Abain I' Rseady Tko Liove Ykou Abgain I'm Resady Tok Loive Yoku Agbain
I'j R3ady T9 Lovve Y9u Avain I'jm R3eady T9o Loe Y9ou Avgain I'mj Re3ady To9 Loev Yo9u Agvain I'k Rfady T0 Lobe Y0u Afain I'km T0o Lobve Y0ou Afgain
I'mk Refady To0 Lovbe Yo0u Agfain I'n Rrady Tl Loce Ylu Atain I'nm Rready Tlo Locve Ylou Atgain I'mn Rerady Tol Lovce Yolu Agtain R4ady Ti Loge Yiu Agaain
Tio Logve Yiou Agin Re4ady Toi Lovge Yoiu Agian Rdady Lofe Youu Agzin Lofve Yo Agzain Redady Lovfe You Agazin
Rwady Lovee Yoh Agqin Rweady Lov Yohu Agqain Rewady Love Youh Agaqin Reaady Lovs Yo7 Agsin Redy Lovse Yo7u Agsain
Reday Loves You7 Agasin Rezdy Lov3 Yok Agwin

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