Manuel Cervantes
Visions Of The Maw

Open up your eyes
my friend
today you'll see the end of me
and beat your way through life

Open up your eyes
my friend
unwrapp blindfold and start to see
the fate of space and time

While you stay on the ground
think of things that you're missing
Just start to notice all around
and clean your ears and listen
cause today
you may stay
you'll have a ray
and you'll say

I can live without your care
i can live without your stare

Open up your mind
my friend
tomorrow you will pay a fee
and grow your pride with lies

Race into your mind
my friend
there you'll see what falls apart
and clear your head of cries

While you stay on the ground
think of things you're missing
just start to notice all around
and clean your ears and listen
cause today
you may stay
you'll have a ray
and you'll say

i can live without your care
i can live without your stare

Mirror lyrics:

i can live without your stare
i can live without your care

and you'll say
you'll have a ray
you may stay
cause today
and clean your ears and listen
just start to notice all around
think of things you're missing
While you stay on the ground

and clear your head of cries
there you'll see what falls apart
my friend
Race into your mind

and grow your pride with lies
tomorrow you will pay a fee
my friend
Open up your mind

i can live without your stare
I can live without your care

and you'll say
you'll have a ray
you may stay
cause today
and clean your ears and listen
Just start to notice all around
think of things that you're missing
While you stay on the ground

the fate of space and time
unwrapp blindfold and start to see
my friend
Open up your eyes

and beat your way through life
today you'll see the end of me
my friend
Open up your eyes

Relevant Tags:
VVisions OOf TThe MMaw isions f he aw iVsions fO hTe aMw bisions kf fhe jaw bVisions kOf fThe jMaw Vbisions Okf Tfhe Mjaw
cisions 9f 5he kaw cVisions 9Of 5The kMaw Vcisions O9f T5he Mkaw gisions 0f hhe naw gVisions 0Of hThe nMaw Vgisions O0f Thhe Mnaw
fisions lf yhe Maaw fVisions lOf yThe Mw Vfisions Olf Tyhe Mwa Viisions if 6he Mzw Vsions iOf 6The Mzaw Vsiions Oif T6he Mazw
Vjsions Off ghe Mqw Vjisions O gThe Mqaw Vijsions Of Tghe Maqw V9sions Oc rhe Msw V9isions Ocf rThe Msaw Vi9sions Ofc Trhe Masw
Vlsions Or Mww Vlisions Orf Te Mwaw Vilsions Ofr Teh Maww Vosions Og Tje Mxw Voisions Ogf Tjhe Mxaw Viosions Ofg Thje Maxw
Vksions Ot Tue Vkisions Otf Tuhe Ma Viksions Oft Thue Maw V8sions Ov Tne Maa V8isions Ovf Tnhe Vi8sions Ofv Thne Mawa
Vusions Od Tbe Ma3 Vuisions Odf Tbhe Ma3w Viusions Ofd Thbe Maw3 Vissions Tge Mad Viions Madw Viisons Thge Mawd
Vizions Tye Mae Vizsions Maew Viszions Thye Mawe Viwions Thee Mas Viwsions Th Viswions The Maws
Vidions Ths Ma2 Vidsions Thse Ma2w Visdions Thes Maw2 Vieions Th3 Maq Viesions Th3e Viseions The3 Mawq
Vixions Thf Vixsions Thfe Visxions Thef Viaions Thr Viasions Thre Visaions Ther
Visiions Th4 Visons Th4e Visoins The4 Visjons Thd Visjions Thde Visijons Thed
Vis9ons Thw

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