Writings On The Wall

A glimpse of light shines through
The ruins of our lives
My dusty eyelids rise to let hope
Blind my sight

Between the closing walls
A breeze revives my mind
I run into the darkness
Praying we could escape

Is this moment the last chance to change the course
For I know she can't take, she can't take this for long

Is this the chance that I've been looking for
(That I've been looking)
For to change the writings on the wall
(The writings on the)

I collect the puzzles wishing
The tears could fill a well
Deep enough to sink our problems
Once and for all

Is this moment the last chance to change the course
For I know she can't take, she can't take this for long

Is this the chance that I've been looking for
(That I've been looking)
For to change the writings on the wall
(The writings on the)
The wall
Is this the chance that I've been looking for

Time after time, wrong after right, but never again
Will I let things roll without taking control of myself

Is this the chance that I've been looking for
(That I've been looking)
For to change the writings on the wall
(The writings on the)
The wall
Is this the chance that I've been looking for

Mirror lyrics:

Is this the chance that I've been looking for
The wall
(The writings on the)
For to change the writings on the wall
(That I've been looking)
Is this the chance that I've been looking for

Will I let things roll without taking control of myself
Time after time, wrong after right, but never again

Is this the chance that I've been looking for
The wall
(The writings on the)
For to change the writings on the wall
(That I've been looking)
Is this the chance that I've been looking for

For I know she can't take, she can't take this for long
Is this moment the last chance to change the course

Once and for all
Deep enough to sink our problems
The tears could fill a well
I collect the puzzles wishing

(The writings on the)
For to change the writings on the wall
(That I've been looking)
Is this the chance that I've been looking for

For I know she can't take, she can't take this for long
Is this moment the last chance to change the course

Praying we could escape
I run into the darkness
A breeze revives my mind
Between the closing walls

Blind my sight
My dusty eyelids rise to let hope
The ruins of our lives
A glimpse of light shines through

Relevant Tags:
WWritings OOn TThe WWall ritings n he all rWitings nO hTe aWll aritings kn fhe aall aWritings kOn fThe aWall Waritings Okn Tfhe Waall
3ritings 9n 5he 3all 3Writings 9On 5The 3Wall W3ritings O9n T5he W3all dritings 0n hhe dall dWritings 0On hThe dWall Wdritings O0n Thhe Wdall
eritings ln yhe eall eWritings lOn yThe eWall Weritings Oln Tyhe Weall sritings in 6he sall sWritings iOn 6The sWall Wsritings Oin T6he Wsall
2ritings Onn ghe 2all 2Writings O gThe 2Wall W2ritings On Tghe W2all qritings Om rhe qall qWritings Omn rThe qWall Wqritings Onm Trhe Wqall
Wrritings Oh Witings Ohn Te Wll Wirtings Onh Teh Wlal Wditings Oj Tje Wzll Ojn Tjhe Wzall Wrditings Onj Thje Wazll
W4itings Ob Tue Wqll W4ritings Obn Tuhe Wr4itings Onb Thue Waqll Wgitings Tne Wsll Wgritings Tnhe Wrgitings Thne Wasll
Wtitings Tbe Wwll Wtritings Tbhe Wwall Wrtitings Thbe Wawll W5itings Tge Wxll W5ritings Wxall Wr5itings Thge Waxll
Wfitings Tye Walll Wfritings Wal Wrfitings Thye Wall Weitings Thee Wakl Th Wakll Wreitings The Walkl
Wriitings Ths Waol Wrtings Thse Waoll Wrtiings Thes Walol Wrjtings Th3 Wapl Wrjitings Th3e Wapll Wrijtings The3 Walpl
Wr9tings Thf Wr9itings Thfe Wri9tings Thef Wrltings Thr Walk Wrlitings Thre Wriltings Ther Wallk
Wrotings Th4 Walo Wroitings Th4e Wriotings The4 Wallo Wrktings Thd Walp Wrkitings Thde Wriktings Thed Wallp
Wr8tings Thw Wr8itings Thwe Wri8tings Thew Wrutings Wruitings Wriutings
Writtings Wriings Wriitngs Wrifings Wriftings Writfings
Wri5ings Wri5tings Writ5ings Wrihings Wrihtings Writhings
Wriyings Wriytings

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