Luca Turilli
Timeless Oceans

Cold darkness reigns on all
It reigns in Arkan's soul
Wounded love...destined soon to fall
She stays in front of him
Caressed by howling wind
Enemy... victim of the unknown

But from her eyes so dark and shy love rides
Flies so high beyond the stars
Not asking what or why
All happened from her sad coming
It just goes on flying high
To the waves of timeless oceans

He needs no words at all
But she wants him to know
Really what her tortured mind still hides
The truth is even worse
A present with no hope
Soon to end. So hard to accept

But from her eyes so dark and shy love rides
Flies so high beyond the stars
Not asking what or why
All happened from her sad coming
It just goes on flying high
Flying high!

Flies so high beyond the stars
Not asking what or why
All happened from her sad coming
It just goes on flying high
To the waves of timeless oceans

Mirror lyrics:

To the waves of timeless oceans
It just goes on flying high
All happened from her sad coming
Not asking what or why
Flies so high beyond the stars

Flying high!
It just goes on flying high
All happened from her sad coming
Not asking what or why
Flies so high beyond the stars
But from her eyes so dark and shy love rides

Soon to end. So hard to accept
A present with no hope
The truth is even worse
Really what her tortured mind still hides
But she wants him to know
He needs no words at all

To the waves of timeless oceans
It just goes on flying high
All happened from her sad coming
Not asking what or why
Flies so high beyond the stars
But from her eyes so dark and shy love rides

Enemy... victim of the unknown
Caressed by howling wind
She stays in front of him
Wounded love...destined soon to fall
It reigns in Arkan's soul
Cold darkness reigns on all

Relevant Tags:
TTimeless OOceans imeless ceans iTmeless cOeans fimeless kceans fTimeless kOceans Tfimeless Okceans 5imeless 9ceans
5Timeless 9Oceans T5imeless O9ceans himeless 0ceans hTimeless 0Oceans Thimeless O0ceans yimeless lceans yTimeless lOceans
Tyimeless Olceans 6imeless iceans 6Timeless iOceans T6imeless Oiceans gimeless Occeans gTimeless Oeans Tgimeless Oecans
rimeless Ofeans rTimeless Ofceans Trimeless Ocfeans Tiimeless Oxeans Tmeless Oxceans Tmieless Ocxeans Tjmeless Oveans
Tjimeless Ovceans Tijmeless Ocveans T9meless Odeans T9imeless Odceans Ti9meless Ocdeans Tlmeless Oceeans Tlimeless Ocans
Tilmeless Ocaens Tomeless Ocsans Toimeless Ocseans Tiomeless Ocesans Tkmeless Oc3ans Tkimeless Oc3eans Tikmeless Oce3ans
T8meless Ocfans T8imeless Ti8meless Ocefans Tumeless Ocrans Tuimeless Ocreans Tiumeless Ocerans Timmeless Oc4ans
Tieless Oc4eans Tiemless Oce4ans Tijeless Ocdans Timjeless Ocedans Tikeless Ocwans Ocweans Timkeless Ocewans
Tineless Oceaans Tinmeless Ocens Timneless Ocenas Timeeless Ocezns Timless Ocezans Timleess Oceazns Timsless Oceqns
Timseless Oceqans Timesless Oceaqns Tim3less Ocesns Tim3eless Time3less Oceasns Timfless Ocewns Timfeless
Timefless Oceawns Timrless Ocexns Timreless Ocexans

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