Luca Turilli
The Ancient Forest Of Elves

To the wind I will sing the tale of the king
That reigned in peace and love
Of the one of the man who crossed the path
Of the ancient Forest of Elves
To the wind I will sing the tale of the king
That reigned in peace and love
Of the one of the man who crossed the path
Of the ancient Forest of Elves

Old lands and red dragons filled his open eyes
Kings, queens and proud warriors in his magic dreams
Mystical energies led him straight there
To the lonely holy wild path

To the wind I will sing the tale of the king
That reigned in peace and love
Of the one of the man who crossed the path
Of the ancient Forest of Elves
To the wind I will sing the tale of the king
That reigned in peace and love
Of the one of the man who crossed the path
Of the ancient Forest of Elves

Starfire burning upon the silent lake
While sleep is welcome thanks to my dear elves
Shadows are coming to take his brave soul
To bring it in the lost forgotten world

To the wind I will sing the tale of the king
That reigned in peace and love
Of the one of the man who crossed the path
Of the ancient Forest of Elves
To the wind I will sing the tale of the king
That reigned in peace and love
Of the one of the man who crossed the path
Of the ancient Forest of Elves

And may the time spell clear his last sin
Ride on the comet to make him free
And may his brave mind endure the pain
Of cosmic evil trying to prevail

"And so a new legend begins...
The borders of space and time are broken once again
And the wise energy of cosmos calls for another hero...
There in the twilight lands of the north
Where the laments of suffering souls rise!"

To the wind I will sing the tale of the king
That reigned in peace and love
Of the one of the man who crossed the path
Of the ancient Forest of Elves
To the wind I will sing the tale of the king
That reigned in peace and love
Of the one of the man who crossed the path
Of the ancient Forest of Elves

To the wind I will sing the tale of the king
That reigned in peace and love
Of the one of the man who crossed the path
Of the ancient Forest of Elves
Of the ancient Forest of Elves
Of the ancient Forest of Elves

Mirror lyrics:

Of the ancient Forest of Elves
Of the ancient Forest of Elves
Of the ancient Forest of Elves
Of the one of the man who crossed the path
That reigned in peace and love
To the wind I will sing the tale of the king

Of the ancient Forest of Elves
Of the one of the man who crossed the path
That reigned in peace and love
To the wind I will sing the tale of the king
Of the ancient Forest of Elves
Of the one of the man who crossed the path
That reigned in peace and love
To the wind I will sing the tale of the king

Where the laments of suffering souls rise!"
There in the twilight lands of the north
And the wise energy of cosmos calls for another hero...
The borders of space and time are broken once again
"And so a new legend begins...

Of cosmic evil trying to prevail
And may his brave mind endure the pain
Ride on the comet to make him free
And may the time spell clear his last sin

Of the ancient Forest of Elves
Of the one of the man who crossed the path
That reigned in peace and love
To the wind I will sing the tale of the king
Of the ancient Forest of Elves
Of the one of the man who crossed the path
That reigned in peace and love
To the wind I will sing the tale of the king

To bring it in the lost forgotten world
Shadows are coming to take his brave soul
While sleep is welcome thanks to my dear elves
Starfire burning upon the silent lake

Of the ancient Forest of Elves
Of the one of the man who crossed the path
That reigned in peace and love
To the wind I will sing the tale of the king
Of the ancient Forest of Elves
Of the one of the man who crossed the path
That reigned in peace and love
To the wind I will sing the tale of the king

To the lonely holy wild path
Mystical energies led him straight there
Kings, queens and proud warriors in his magic dreams
Old lands and red dragons filled his open eyes

Of the ancient Forest of Elves
Of the one of the man who crossed the path
That reigned in peace and love
To the wind I will sing the tale of the king
Of the ancient Forest of Elves
Of the one of the man who crossed the path
That reigned in peace and love
To the wind I will sing the tale of the king

Relevant Tags:
TThe AAncient FForest OOf EElves he ncient orest f lves hTe nAcient oFrest fO lEves fhe zncient corest kf slves fThe zAncient cForest kOf sElves
Tfhe Azncient Fcorest Okf Eslves 5he qncient rorest 9f 3lves 5The qAncient rForest 9Of 3Elves T5he Aqncient Frorest O9f E3lves hhe sncient gorest 0f flves
hThe sAncient gForest 0Of fElves Thhe Asncient Fgorest O0f Eflves yhe wncient torest lf rlves yThe wAncient tForest lOf rElves Tyhe Awncient Ftorest Olf Erlves
6he xncient vorest if 4lves 6The xAncient vForest iOf 4Elves T6he Axncient Fvorest Oif E4lves ghe Anncient dorest Off dlves gThe Acient dForest O dElves
Tghe Acnient Fdorest Of Edlves rhe Amcient Foorest Oc wlves rThe Amncient Frest Ocf wElves Trhe Anmcient Froest Ofc Ewlves Ahcient Fkrest Or Ellves
Te Ahncient Fkorest Orf Eves Teh Anhcient Fokrest Ofr Evles Tje Ajcient F9rest Og Ekves Tjhe Ajncient F9orest Ogf Eklves Thje Anjcient Fo9rest Ofg Elkves
Tue Abcient F0rest Ot Eoves Tuhe Abncient F0orest Otf Eolves Thue Anbcient Fo0rest Oft Eloves Tne Anccient Flrest Ov Epves Tnhe Anient Florest Ovf Eplves
Thne Anicent Folrest Ofv Elpves Tbe Anfient Firest Od Elvves Tbhe Anfcient Fiorest Odf Eles Thbe Ancfient Foirest Ofd Elevs Tge Anxient Forrest Elbes
Anxcient Foest Elbves Thge Ancxient Foerst Elvbes Tye Anvient Fodest Elces Anvcient Fodrest Elcves Thye Ancvient Fordest Elvces
Thee Andient Fo4est Elges Th Andcient Fo4rest Elgves The Ancdient For4est Elvges Ths Anciient Fogest Elfes Thse Ancent Fogrest Elfves
Thes Anceint Forgest Elvfes Th3 Ancjent Fotest Elvees Th3e Ancjient Fotrest Elvs The3 Ancijent Fortest Elvse Thf Anc9ent Fo5est Elvss
Thfe Anc9ient Fo5rest Elvses Thef Anci9ent For5est Elvess Thr Anclent Fofest Elv3s Thre Anclient Fofrest Elv3es Ther Ancilent Forfest Elve3s
Th4 Ancoent Foeest Elvfs Th4e Ancoient Foerest The4 Ancioent Foreest Elvefs Thd Anckent Elvrs Thde Anckient Forst Elvres
Thed Ancikent Forset Elvers Thw Anc8ent Forsst Elv4s

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