Luca Turilli
Kings Of The Nordic Twilight (edit)

Warriors, battles, swords of steel and magic, tragic destinies
Glory, pride and honor for my will for justice everywhere
I can't believe what I have seen there in that fantasy world of mystery
Many warriors and kings, golden swords of steel all united for victory
I speak to you for the last time before we ride to the sun
I could survive in your proud heart 'cause you are now one of us!

Warriors, battles, swords of steel and magic, tragic destinies
Glory, pride and honor for my will for justice everywhere
I can't believe what I have seen there in that fantasy world of mystery
Many warriors and kings, golden swords of steel all united for victory
And at last also I know truly what love can do
So try to live at your best and ride from the sun to the moon

We're the kings of the nordic twilight
We're the lords of ice and snow
For the glory we will fight,
For the peace we'll ride
For the skies we'll reign together

I speak to you for the last time before we ride to the sun
I could survive in your proud heart 'cause you are now one of us!
And at last also I know truly what love can do
So try to live at your best and ride from the sun to the moon

We're the kings of the nordic twilight
We're the lords of ice and snow
For the glory we will fight,
For the peace we'll ride
For the skies we'll reign together

Mirror lyrics:

For the skies we'll reign together
For the peace we'll ride
For the glory we will fight,
We're the lords of ice and snow
We're the kings of the nordic twilight

So try to live at your best and ride from the sun to the moon
And at last also I know truly what love can do
I could survive in your proud heart 'cause you are now one of us!
I speak to you for the last time before we ride to the sun

For the skies we'll reign together
For the peace we'll ride
For the glory we will fight,
We're the lords of ice and snow
We're the kings of the nordic twilight

So try to live at your best and ride from the sun to the moon
And at last also I know truly what love can do
Many warriors and kings, golden swords of steel all united for victory
I can't believe what I have seen there in that fantasy world of mystery
Glory, pride and honor for my will for justice everywhere
Warriors, battles, swords of steel and magic, tragic destinies

I could survive in your proud heart 'cause you are now one of us!
I speak to you for the last time before we ride to the sun
Many warriors and kings, golden swords of steel all united for victory
I can't believe what I have seen there in that fantasy world of mystery
Glory, pride and honor for my will for justice everywhere
Warriors, battles, swords of steel and magic, tragic destinies

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KKings OOf TThe NNordic TTwilight ((edit) ings f he ordic wilight edit) iKngs fO hTe oNrdic wTilight e(dit) lings kf fhe mordic fwilight (eedit) lKings kOf fThe mNordic fTwilight (dit)
Klings Okf Tfhe Nmordic Tfwilight (deit) oings 9f 5he hordic 5wilight (sdit) oKings 9Of 5The hNordic 5Twilight (sedit) Koings O9f T5he Nhordic T5wilight (esdit) mings 0f hhe jordic hwilight (3dit)
mKings 0Of hThe jNordic hTwilight (3edit) Kmings O0f Thhe Njordic Thwilight (e3dit) jings lf yhe bordic ywilight (fdit) jKings lOf yThe bNordic yTwilight (fedit) Kjings Olf Tyhe Nbordic Tywilight (efdit)
iings if 6he Noordic 6wilight (rdit) iKings iOf 6The Nrdic 6Twilight (redit) Kiings Oif T6he Nrodic T6wilight (erdit) Off ghe Nkrdic gwilight (4dit) Kngs O gThe Nkordic gTwilight (4edit)
Knigs Of Tghe Nokrdic Tgwilight (e4dit) Kjngs Oc rhe N9rdic rwilight (ddit) Ocf rThe N9ordic rTwilight (dedit) Kijngs Ofc Trhe No9rdic Trwilight (eddit) K9ngs Or N0rdic Twwilight (wdit)
K9ings Orf Te N0ordic Tilight (wedit) Ki9ngs Ofr Teh No0rdic Tiwlight (ewdit) Klngs Og Tje Nlrdic Tailight Ogf Tjhe Nlordic Tawilight (eit) Kilngs Ofg Thje Nolrdic Twailight (eidt)
Kongs Ot Tue Nirdic T3ilight (exit) Otf Tuhe Niordic T3wilight (exdit) Kiongs Oft Thue Noirdic Tw3ilight (edxit) Kkngs Ov Tne Norrdic Tdilight (eeit) Kkings Ovf Tnhe Nodic Tdwilight
Kikngs Ofv Thne Nodric Twdilight (edeit) K8ngs Od Tbe Noddic Teilight (efit) K8ings Odf Tbhe Nodrdic Tewilight Ki8ngs Ofd Thbe Norddic Tweilight (edfit) Kungs Tge No4dic Tsilight (erit)
Kuings No4rdic Tswilight Kiungs Thge Nor4dic Twsilight (edrit) Kinngs Tye Nogdic T2ilight (ecit) Kigs Nogrdic T2wilight (ecdit) Kigns Thye Norgdic Tw2ilight (edcit)
Kimgs Thee Notdic Tqilight (esit) Kimngs Th Notrdic Tqwilight Kinmgs The Nortdic Twqilight (edsit) Kihgs Ths No5dic Twiilight (ediit) Kihngs Thse No5rdic Twlight (edt)
Kinhgs Thes Nor5dic Twliight (edti) Kijgs Th3 Nofdic Twjlight (edjt) Th3e Nofrdic Twjilight (edjit) Kinjgs The3 Norfdic Twijlight (edijt) Kibgs Thf Noedic Tw9light (ed9t)
Kibngs Thfe Noerdic Tw9ilight (ed9it) Kinbgs Thef Noredic Twi9light (edi9t) Kinggs Thr Twllight (edlt) Kins Thre Noric Twlilight (edlit) Kinsg Ther Noridc Twillight (edilt)
Kinhs Th4 Norxic Twolight (edot) Th4e Norxdic Twoilight (edoit) Kinghs The4 Nordxic Twiolight (ediot) Kinys Thd Noreic Twklight (edkt) Kinygs Thde Twkilight (edkit)
Kingys Thed Nordeic Twiklight (edikt) Kinbs Thw Norfic Tw8light (ed8t) Thwe Tw8ilight (ed8it) Kingbs Thew Nordfic Twi8light (edi8t) Kinvs Norric Twulight (edut)
Kinvgs Twuilight (eduit) Kingvs Nordric Twiulight (ediut) Kinfs Norcic (editt) Kinfgs Norcdic Twiight (edi) Kingfs Nordcic Twiilght (edi)t
Kints Norsic Twikight (edif) Kintgs Norsdic (edift) Kingts Nordsic Twilkight (editf) Kingss Nordiic Twioight (edi5) King Nordc (edi5t)
Kings Nordci Twiloight (edit5)

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