Loretta Lynn
Ain't Love A Good Thing

(Dallas Frazier)

Blues go ahead and knock upon my door
You can't hurt me anymore, ooh, ooh, ain't love a good thing
Rain go ahead and let it rain all night
In the morning I'll be dry, ooh, ooh, ain't love a good thing?

Ain't it good to know love can take away the rain
And make the sunshine again
Ain't it good to know love can take a lonely dream
And turn it into a real thing
Ooh, ooh, ain't love a good thing, ooh, ooh, ain't love a good thing?

Pain find yourself another heart to ache
And another mind to break, ooh, ooh, ain't love a good thing
Time find yourself another fool to waste
And another place to stay, ooh, ooh, ain't love a good thing?

Ain't it good to know love can take away the rain
And make the sunshine again
Ain't it good to know love can take a lonely dream
And turn it into a real thing
Ooh, ooh, ain't love a good thing, ooh, ooh, ain't love a good thing?...

Mirror lyrics:

Ooh, ooh, ain't love a good thing, ooh, ooh, ain't love a good thing?...
And turn it into a real thing
Ain't it good to know love can take a lonely dream
And make the sunshine again
Ain't it good to know love can take away the rain

And another place to stay, ooh, ooh, ain't love a good thing?
Time find yourself another fool to waste
And another mind to break, ooh, ooh, ain't love a good thing
Pain find yourself another heart to ache

Ooh, ooh, ain't love a good thing, ooh, ooh, ain't love a good thing?
And turn it into a real thing
Ain't it good to know love can take a lonely dream
And make the sunshine again
Ain't it good to know love can take away the rain

In the morning I'll be dry, ooh, ooh, ain't love a good thing?
Rain go ahead and let it rain all night
You can't hurt me anymore, ooh, ooh, ain't love a good thing
Blues go ahead and knock upon my door

(Dallas Frazier)

Relevant Tags:
AAin't LLove AA GGood TThing in't ove ood hing iAn't oLve A oGod hTing zin't kove z hood fhing zAin't kLove zA hGood fThing Azin't Lkove Az Ghood Tfhing
qin't oove q yood 5hing qAin't oLove qA yGood 5Thing Aqin't Loove Aq Gyood T5hing sin't pove s bood hhing sAin't pLove sA bGood hThing Asin't Lpove As Gbood Thhing
win't w vood yhing wAin't Lve wA vGood yThing Awin't Lvoe Aw Gvood Tyhing xin't Lkve x food 6hing xAin't xA fGood 6Thing Axin't Lokve Ax Gfood T6hing
Aiin't L9ve tood ghing An't L9ove tGood gThing Ani't Lo9ve Gtood Tghing Ajn't L0ve Goood rhing Ajin't L0ove God rThing Aijn't Lo0ve Good Trhing
A9n't Llve Gkod A9in't Llove Gkood Ting Ai9n't Lolve Gokod Tihng Aln't Live G9od Tjing Alin't Liove G9ood Tjhing Ailn't Loive Go9od Thjing
Aon't Lovve G0od Tuing Aoin't Loe G0ood Tuhing Aion't Loev Go0od Thuing Akn't Lobe Glod Tning Akin't Lobve Glood Tnhing Aikn't Lovbe Golod Thning
A8n't Loce Giod Tbing A8in't Locve Giood Tbhing Ai8n't Lovce Goiod Thbing Aun't Loge Tging Auin't Logve Aiun't Lovge Godo Thging
Ainn't Lofe Gokd Tying Ai't Lofve Ai'nt Lovfe Gookd Thying Aim't Lovee Go9d Thiing Aimn't Lov Thng Ainm't Love Goo9d Thnig
Aih't Lovs Go0d Thjng

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