Loreena Mckennitt
Never Ending Road (amhran Duit)

The road now leads onward
As far as can be
Winding lanes
And hedgerows in threes
By purple mountains
And round every bend
All roads lead to you
There is no journey's end.

Here is my heart and I give it to you
Take me with you across this land
These are my dreams, so simple and few
Dreams we hold in the palm of our hands

Deep in the winter
Amidst falling snow
High in the air
Where the bells they all toll
And now all around me
I feel you still here
Such is the journey
No mystery to fear.

Here is my heart and I give it to you
Take me with you across this land
These are my dreams, so simple and few
Dreams we hold in the palm of our hands

The road now leads onward
And I know not where
I feel in my heart
That you will be there
Whenever a storm comes
Whatever our fears
The journey goes on
As your love ever nears

Here is my heart and I give it to you
Take me with you across this land
These are my dreams, so simple and few
Dreams we hold in the palm of our hands

Mirror lyrics:

Dreams we hold in the palm of our hands
These are my dreams, so simple and few
Take me with you across this land
Here is my heart and I give it to you

As your love ever nears
The journey goes on
Whatever our fears
Whenever a storm comes
That you will be there
I feel in my heart
And I know not where
The road now leads onward

Dreams we hold in the palm of our hands
These are my dreams, so simple and few
Take me with you across this land
Here is my heart and I give it to you

No mystery to fear.
Such is the journey
I feel you still here
And now all around me
Where the bells they all toll
High in the air
Amidst falling snow
Deep in the winter

Dreams we hold in the palm of our hands
These are my dreams, so simple and few
Take me with you across this land
Here is my heart and I give it to you

There is no journey's end.
All roads lead to you
And round every bend
By purple mountains
And hedgerows in threes
Winding lanes
As far as can be
The road now leads onward

Relevant Tags:
NNever EEnding RRoad ((amhran DDuit) ever nding oad amhran uit) eNver nEding oRad a(mhran uDit) mever snding doad (aamhran xuit) mNever sEnding dRoad (mhran xDuit)
Nmever Esnding Rdoad (mahran Dxuit) hever 3nding 4oad (zmhran euit) hNever 3Ending 4Road (zamhran eDuit) Nhever E3nding R4oad (azmhran Deuit) jever fnding goad (qmhran fuit)
jNever fEnding gRoad (qamhran fDuit) Njever Efnding Rgoad (aqmhran Dfuit) bever rnding toad (smhran ruit) bNever rEnding tRoad (samhran rDuit) Nbever Ernding Rtoad (asmhran Druit)
Neever 4nding 5oad (wmhran cuit) Nver 4Ending 5Road (wamhran cDuit) Nveer E4nding R5oad (awmhran Dcuit) Nsver dnding foad (xmhran suit) Nsever dEnding fRoad (xamhran sDuit)
Nesver Ednding Rfoad (axmhran Dsuit) N3ver wnding eoad (ammhran Duuit) N3ever wEnding eRoad (ahran Dit) Ne3ver Ewnding Reoad (ahmran Diut) Nfver Ennding Rooad (ajhran Dhit)
Nfever Eding Rad (ajmhran Dhuit) Nefver Edning Raod (amjhran Duhit) Nrver Emding Rkad (akhran D7it) Nrever Emnding Rkoad (akmhran D7uit) Nerver Enmding Rokad (amkhran Du7it)
N4ver Ehding R9ad (anhran Dkit) N4ever Ehnding R9oad (anmhran Dkuit) Ne4ver Enhding Ro9ad (amnhran Dukit) Ndver Ejding R0ad (amhhran Diit) Ndever Ejnding R0oad (amran Diuit)
Nedver Enjding Ro0ad (amrhan Duiit) Nwver Ebding Rlad (amjran D8it) Nwever Ebnding Rload D8uit) Newver Enbding Rolad (amhjran Du8it) Nevver Endding Riad (amuran Djit)
Neer Ening Rioad (amuhran Djuit) Neevr Enidng Roiad (amhuran Dujit) Neber Enxing Roaad (amnran Dyit) Nebver Enxding Rod Dyuit) Nevber Endxing Roda (amhnran Duyit)
Necer Eneing Rozd (ambran Necver Eneding Rozad (ambhran Dut) Nevcer Endeing Roazd (amhbran Duti) Neger Enfing Roqd (amgran Dujt) Negver Enfding Roqad (amghran
Nevger Endfing Roaqd (amhgran Duijt) Nefer Enring Rosd (amyran Du9t) Enrding Rosad (amyhran Du9it) Nevfer Endring Roasd (amhyran Dui9t) Neveer Encing Rowd (amhrran Dult)
Nevr Encding Rowad (amhan Dulit) Nevre Endcing Roawd (amharn Duilt) Nevsr Ensing Roxd (amhdan Duot) Nevser Ensding Roxad (amhdran Duoit)

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