Loreena Mckennitt
Let Us The Infant Greet

Let us the Infant greet,
In worship before Him fall,
And let us pay Him homage meet,
On this His Festival.

Let us to the Infant sing,
And bring Him of gifts rich store,
Let us honour our Infant King
With praise for evermore.

Let us to the Infant kneel,
And love him with faithful love,
And let our joyous anthems peal,
For him who reigns above.

Glad hymns in the Infant's laud,
Sing we to Him while we may,
In heaven where He is throned as God,
Our service He will pay.

Be we to the Infant true,
While we are dwelling on mould,
And He will give us our wages due,
A crown of purest gold.

Mirror lyrics:

A crown of purest gold.
And He will give us our wages due,
While we are dwelling on mould,
Be we to the Infant true,

Our service He will pay.
In heaven where He is throned as God,
Sing we to Him while we may,
Glad hymns in the Infant's laud,

For him who reigns above.
And let our joyous anthems peal,
And love him with faithful love,
Let us to the Infant kneel,

With praise for evermore.
Let us honour our Infant King
And bring Him of gifts rich store,
Let us to the Infant sing,

On this His Festival.
And let us pay Him homage meet,
In worship before Him fall,
Let us the Infant greet,

Relevant Tags:
LLet UUs TThe IInfant GGreet et s he nfant reet eLt sU hTe nIfant rGeet ket hs fhe jnfant hreet kLet hUs fThe jInfant hGreet Lket Uhs Tfhe Ijnfant Ghreet
oet 7s 5he 9nfant yreet oLet 7Us 5The 9Infant yGreet Loet U7s T5he I9nfant Gyreet pet ks hhe lnfant breet pLet kUs hThe lInfant bGreet Lpet Uks Thhe Ilnfant Gbreet
Leet is yhe onfant vreet Lt iUs yThe oInfant vGreet Lte Uis Tyhe Ionfant Gvreet Lst 8s 6he knfant freet Lset 8Us 6The kInfant fGreet Lest U8s T6he Iknfant Gfreet
L3t js ghe 8nfant treet L3et jUs gThe 8Infant tGreet Le3t Ujs Tghe I8nfant Gtreet Lft ys rhe unfant Grreet Lfet yUs rThe uInfant Geet Left Uys Trhe Iunfant Geret
Lrt Uss Innfant Gdeet Lret U Te Ifant Gdreet Lert Us Teh Ifnant Grdeet L4t Uz Tje Imfant G4eet L4et Uzs Tjhe Imnfant G4reet Le4t Usz Thje Inmfant Gr4eet
Ldt Uw Tue Ihfant Ggeet Ldet Uws Tuhe Ihnfant Ggreet Ledt Usw Thue Inhfant Grgeet Lwt Ud Tne Ijfant Gteet Lwet Uds Tnhe Lewt Usd Thne Injfant Grteet
Lett Ue Tbe Ibfant G5eet Le Ues Tbhe Ibnfant G5reet Let Use Thbe Inbfant Gr5eet Lef Ux Tge Inffant Gfeet Uxs Inant Letf Usx Thge Inafnt Grfeet
Le5 Ua Tye Incant Geeet Le5t Uas Incfant Gereet Let5 Usa Thye Infcant Greeet Leh Thee Inrant Leht Th Inrfant Gret Leth The Infrant Greet
Ley Ths Ingant Grset Leyt Thse Ingfant Grseet Lety Thes Infgant Greset Le6 Th3 Intant Gr3et Le6t Th3e Intfant Gr3eet Let6 The3 Inftant Gre3et
Leg Thf Invant Grfet Legt Thfe Invfant Letg Thef Infvant Grefet Ler Thr Indant Grret

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