Loretta Lynn
I Chased You Till You Caught Me

(Wayne P. Walker)

I chased you till you caught me you had plans of your own
It didn't come as no surpise and you knew it all alone
Now I guess you think you're a pretty cheek but I've got news for you
It don't really matter to me just who caught who.

Well, it was a long hard race I thought I've finally won
I thought I really played it smart but brother was I dumb
You thought you'd pull to figure out and won my heart and hand
But things were only workin' out accordin' to my plans.

I chased you till you caught me you had plans of your own
It didn't come as no surpise and you knew it all alone
Now I guess you think you're a pretty cheek but I've got news for you
It don't really matter to me just who caught who.

--- Instrumental ---

Now you were playin' hard to get just danglin' on a string
I was only holdin' out for a pretty weddin' ring
So you went to the jewelry's to get my big surprise
But you done been there a month before and given them your size.

I chased you till you caught me you had plans of your own
It didn't come as no surpise and you knew it all alone
Now I guess you think you're a pretty cheek but I've got news for you
It don't really matter to me just who caught who.

It don't really matter to me just who caught who...

Mirror lyrics:

It don't really matter to me just who caught who...

It don't really matter to me just who caught who.
Now I guess you think you're a pretty cheek but I've got news for you
It didn't come as no surpise and you knew it all alone
I chased you till you caught me you had plans of your own

But you done been there a month before and given them your size.
So you went to the jewelry's to get my big surprise
I was only holdin' out for a pretty weddin' ring
Now you were playin' hard to get just danglin' on a string

--- Instrumental ---

It don't really matter to me just who caught who.
Now I guess you think you're a pretty cheek but I've got news for you
It didn't come as no surpise and you knew it all alone
I chased you till you caught me you had plans of your own

But things were only workin' out accordin' to my plans.
You thought you'd pull to figure out and won my heart and hand
I thought I really played it smart but brother was I dumb
Well, it was a long hard race I thought I've finally won

It don't really matter to me just who caught who.
Now I guess you think you're a pretty cheek but I've got news for you
It didn't come as no surpise and you knew it all alone
I chased you till you caught me you had plans of your own

(Wayne P. Walker)

Relevant Tags:
II CChased YYou TTill YYou CCaught MMe hased ou ill ou aught e I hCased oYu iTll oYu aCught eM j fhased gou fill gou faught je jI fChased gYou fTill gYou fCaught jMe
Ij Cfhased Ygou Tfill Ygou Cfaught Mje 9 xhased hou 5ill hou xaught ke 9I xChased hYou 5Till hYou xCaught kMe I9 Cxhased Yhou T5ill Yhou Cxaught Mke l vhased 6ou hill 6ou vaught ne
lI vChased 6You hTill 6You vCaught nMe Il Cvhased Y6ou Thill Y6ou Cvaught Mne o dhased uou yill uou daught Mee oI dChased uYou yTill uYou dCaught M Io Cdhased Yuou Tyill Yuou Cdaught Me
k Chhased 7ou 6ill 7ou Caaught Ms kI Cased 7You 6Till 7You Cught Mse Ik Cahsed Y7ou T6ill Y7ou Cuaght Mes 8 Cjased jou gill jou Czught M3 8I Cjhased jYou gTill jYou Czaught M3e
I8 Chjased Yjou Tgill Yjou Cazught Me3 u Cuased tou rill tou Cqught Mf uI Cuhased tYou rTill tYou Cqaught Mfe Iu Chuased Ytou Trill Ytou Caqught Mef Cnased Yoou Tiill Yoou Csught Mr
Cnhased Yu Tll Yu Csaught Mre Chnased Yuo Tlil Yuo Casught Mer Cbased Yku Tjll Yku Cwught M4 Cbhased Ykou Tjill Ykou Cwaught M4e Chbased Yoku Tijll Yoku Cawught Me4
Cgased Y9u T9ll Y9u Cxught Md Cghased Y9ou T9ill Y9ou Mde Chgased Yo9u Ti9ll Yo9u Caxught Med Cyased Y0u Tlll Y0u Cauught Mw Cyhased Y0ou Tlill Y0ou Caght Mwe
Chyased Yo0u Tilll Yo0u Caguht Mew Chaased Ylu Toll Ylu Cahght Chsed Ylou Toill Ylou Cahught Chsaed Yolu Tioll Yolu Cauhght Chzsed Yiu Tkll Yiu Ca7ght
Chzased Yiou Tkill Yiou Ca7ught Chazsed Yoiu Tikll Yoiu Cau7ght Chqsed Youu T8ll Youu Cakght Chqased Yo T8ill Yo Cakught Chaqsed You Ti8ll You Caukght
Chssed Yoh Tull Yoh Caight Chsased Yohu Tuill Yohu Caiught Chassed Youh Tiull Youh Cauight Chwsed Yo7 Yo7 Ca8ght Chwased Yo7u Til Yo7u Ca8ught
Chawsed You7 Till You7 Cau8ght Chxsed Yok Tikl Yok Cajght Chxased Cajught Chaxsed Youk Tilkl Youk Caujght Yoi Tiol Yoi Cayght
Chaed Cayught Chaesd Youi Tilol Youi Cauyght

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