Little Orphan Annie
Hard Knock Life (new Disney Version)

It's a hard knock life for us,
It's a hard knock life for us,
'Stead a treated, we get tricked,
'Stead a kisses, we get kicked,
It's a hard knock life!
Got no folks to speak of, so.
It's the hard knock row we hoe.
Cotten blankets, 'stead of wool,
Empty bellies, 'stead of full!
It's a hard knock life!

Don't it feel like the wind is always howlin'?
Don't it seem like there's never any light?
Once a days done don't you want to throw the towel in?
It's easier than puttin' up a fight.

No one's there when your dreams at night get creepy,
No one cares if you grow or if you shrink,
No one dries when your eyes get wet and weepy,
From the cryin' you would think this place would sink.

Empty Belly Lies!
Rotten Smelly life!
Full of sorrow life!
No tomorrow life!

Santa Claus we never see,
Santa Claus,
Whats that?
Who's he?
No one cares for you a smidge!
When you're in an orphanage!
It's the hard knock life!

Your gonna clean this dump until it
Like the top of the Chrysler building!

Yank the whiskers from her chin!
Jab her with a safety pin!
Make her drink a Miky fin!

It's a hard knock life for us,
No one cares for you a smidge,
When you're in an orphanage,
It's the hard knock life
(It's a hard knock life)

Mirror lyrics:

(It's a hard knock life)
It's the hard knock life
When you're in an orphanage,
No one cares for you a smidge,
It's a hard knock life for us,

Make her drink a Miky fin!
Jab her with a safety pin!
Yank the whiskers from her chin!

Like the top of the Chrysler building!
Your gonna clean this dump until it

It's the hard knock life!
When you're in an orphanage!
No one cares for you a smidge!
Who's he?
Whats that?
Santa Claus,
Santa Claus we never see,

No tomorrow life!
Full of sorrow life!
Rotten Smelly life!
Empty Belly Lies!

From the cryin' you would think this place would sink.
No one dries when your eyes get wet and weepy,
No one cares if you grow or if you shrink,
No one's there when your dreams at night get creepy,

It's easier than puttin' up a fight.
Once a days done don't you want to throw the towel in?
Don't it seem like there's never any light?
Don't it feel like the wind is always howlin'?

It's a hard knock life!
Empty bellies, 'stead of full!
Cotten blankets, 'stead of wool,
It's the hard knock row we hoe.
Got no folks to speak of, so.
It's a hard knock life!
'Stead a kisses, we get kicked,
'Stead a treated, we get tricked,
It's a hard knock life for us,
It's a hard knock life for us,

Relevant Tags:
HHard KKnock LLife ((new DDisney VVersion) ard nock ife new isney ersion) aHrd nKock iLfe n(ew iDsney eVrsion) jard lnock kife (nnew xisney bersion)
jHard lKnock kLife (ew xDisney bVersion) Hjard Klnock Lkife (enw Dxisney Vbersion) uard onock oife (mew eisney cersion) uHard oKnock oLife (mnew eDisney cVersion)
Huard Konock Loife (nmew Deisney Vcersion) nard mnock pife (hew fisney gersion) nHard mKnock pLife (hnew fDisney gVersion) Hnard Kmnock Lpife (nhew Dfisney Vgersion)
bard jnock Liife (jew risney fersion) bHard jKnock Lfe (jnew rDisney fVersion) Hbard Kjnock Lfie (njew Drisney Vfersion) gard inock Ljfe (bew cisney Veersion)
gHard iKnock Ljife (bnew cDisney Vrsion) Hgard Kinock Lijfe (nbew Dcisney Vresion) yard Knnock L9fe (neew sisney Vsrsion) yHard Kock L9ife (nw sDisney Vsersion)
Hyard Konck Li9fe (nwe Dsisney Vesrsion) Haard Kmock Llfe (nsw Diisney V3rsion) Hrd Llife (nsew Dsney V3ersion) Hrad Knmock Lilfe (nesw Dsiney Ve3rsion)
Hzrd Khock Lofe (n3w Djsney Vfrsion) Hzard Khnock (n3ew Djisney Hazrd Knhock Liofe (ne3w Dijsney Vefrsion) Hqrd Kjock Lkfe (nfw D9sney Vrrsion)
Hqard (nfew D9isney Vrersion) Haqrd Knjock Likfe (nefw Di9sney Verrsion) Hsrd Kbock L8fe (nrw Dlsney V4rsion) Hsard Kbnock L8ife (nrew Dlisney V4ersion)
Hasrd Knbock Li8fe (nerw Dilsney Ve4rsion) Hwrd Knoock Lufe (n4w Dosney Vdrsion) Hward Knck Luife (n4ew Doisney Vdersion) Hawrd Kncok Liufe (ne4w Diosney Vedrsion)
Hxrd Knkck Liffe (ndw Dksney Vwrsion) Hxard Knkock Lie (ndew Dkisney Vwersion) Haxrd Knokck Lief (nedw Diksney Vewrsion) Harrd Kn9ck Lice (nww D8sney
Had Kn9ock Licfe (nwew D8isney Vesion) Hadr Kno9ck Lifce (neww Di8sney Vesrion) Hadd Kn0ck Lire Dusney Vedsion) Hadrd Kn0ock Lirfe (ne Duisney
Hardd Kno0ck Lifre (new Diusney Verdsion) Ha4d Knlck Lige (nea Dissney Ve4sion) Ha4rd Knlock Ligfe (neaw Diney Har4d Knolck Lifge (newa Dinsey Ver4sion)
Hagd Knick Lite (ne3 Dizney Vegsion) Hagrd Kniock Litfe Dizsney Vegrsion) Hargd Knoick Lifte (new3 Diszney Vergsion) Hatd Knocck Live (ned Diwney Vetsion)
Hatrd Knok Livfe Diwsney Vetrsion) Hartd Knokc Lifve (newd Diswney Vertsion) Ha5d Knofk Lide (nee Didney Ve5sion) Ha5rd Knofck Lidfe Didsney Ve5rsion)
Har5d Knocfk Lifde (newe Disdney Ver5sion) Hafd Knoxk Lifee (nes Dieney Vefsion) Hafrd Knoxck Lif Diesney Harfd Knocxk Life (news Diseney Verfsion)
Haed Knovk Lifs (ne2 Dixney Veesion) Haerd Knovck Lifse (ne2w Dixsney Hared Knocvk Lifes (new2 Disxney Veresion) Knodk Lif3 (neq Dianey Verssion)
Har Knodck Lif3e (neqw Diasney Verion) Hard Knocdk Life3 (newq Disaney Verison)

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