Loretta Lynn
Trouble In Paradise

There's trouble in Paradise
I can sit and I know the sign so well
I know he's out there and 'round her everyday
There's trouble but there won't be long
'Cause in the mornin' it'll all be gone, long gone
'Cause Lord, I'm gonna love him 'till the devil goes away.

Now I know about those devil women
They'll set your lovers head to spinnin'
And she's a demon she wants control
But she ain't takin my man's soul, she ain't takin my man's soul.

There's trouble in Paradise
I can sit and I know the sign so well
I know he's out there and 'round her everyday
There's trouble but there won't be long
'Cause in the mornin it'll all be gone, long gone
'Cause Lord, I'm gonna love him 'till the devil goes away.

There's trouble in Paradise
Lord, I'm gonna love him 'til the devil goes away.

Mirror lyrics:

Lord, I'm gonna love him 'til the devil goes away.
There's trouble in Paradise

'Cause Lord, I'm gonna love him 'till the devil goes away.
'Cause in the mornin it'll all be gone, long gone
There's trouble but there won't be long
I know he's out there and 'round her everyday
I can sit and I know the sign so well
There's trouble in Paradise

But she ain't takin my man's soul, she ain't takin my man's soul.
And she's a demon she wants control
They'll set your lovers head to spinnin'
Now I know about those devil women

'Cause Lord, I'm gonna love him 'till the devil goes away.
'Cause in the mornin' it'll all be gone, long gone
There's trouble but there won't be long
I know he's out there and 'round her everyday
I can sit and I know the sign so well
There's trouble in Paradise

Relevant Tags:
TTrouble IIn PParadise rouble n aradise rTouble nI aPradise frouble jn 0aradise fTrouble jIn 0Paradise Tfrouble Ijn P0aradise
5rouble 9n laradise 5Trouble 9In lParadise T5rouble I9n Plaradise hrouble ln oaradise hTrouble lIn oParadise Throuble Iln Poaradise
yrouble on Paaradise yTrouble oIn Pradise Tyrouble Ion Praadise 6rouble kn Pzradise 6Trouble kIn Pzaradise T6rouble Ikn Pazradise
grouble 8n Pqradise gTrouble 8In Pqaradise Tgrouble I8n Paqradise rrouble un Psradise rTrouble uIn Psaradise Trrouble Iun Pasradise
Inn Pwradise Touble I Pwaradise Toruble In Pawradise Tdouble Im Pxradise Tdrouble Imn Pxaradise Trdouble Inm Paxradise
T4ouble Ih Parradise T4rouble Ihn Paadise Tr4ouble Inh Paardise Tgouble Ij Padadise Padradise Trgouble Inj Pardadise
Ttouble Ib Pa4adise Ttrouble Ibn Pa4radise Trtouble Inb Par4adise T5ouble Pagadise Pagradise Tr5ouble Pargadise
Tfouble Patadise Patradise Trfouble Partadise Teouble Pa5adise Terouble Pa5radise Treouble Par5adise
Troouble Pafadise Truble Pafradise Truoble Parfadise Trkuble Paeadise Trkouble Paeradise Trokuble Pareadise
Tr9uble Paraadise Tr9ouble Pardise Tro9uble Pardaise Tr0uble Parzdise Tr0ouble Parzadise Tro0uble Parazdise
Trluble Parqdise Trlouble Parqadise Troluble Paraqdise Triuble Parsdise Triouble Parsadise Troiuble Parasdise
Trouuble Parwdise Troble Parwadise Trobule Parawdise Trohble Parxdise Trohuble Parxadise Trouhble Paraxdise
Tro7ble Paraddise Tro7uble Paraise Trou7ble Paraidse Trokble Paraxise Troukble Paradxise

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