Loretta Lynn
Red White And Blue

I'm red, white and blue
And proud of it too.

The red comes from my grandpa
He's an all American brave
The white comes from my grandma
She's a red headed Irish maid.

The blue comes from the man I love
Came the day before I said I do
That leaves me a mixed up breed of
Red, white and blue.

I'm red, white and blue
And proud of it too.

I'm a blue eyed indian squaw
Everybody calls me a halfbreed
That's what you get when you
Sew a little red and white sting.

The white man said he'd marry me
He likes being called Baby Doo
That leaves me a mixed breed of
Red, white and blue.

I'm red, white and blue
And proud of it too.

The great white fathers had it planed
To take the red mans land
I think you think I'm prejudice
But I'd never lie to you.

There's raw red blood
Running through my veins
And I wish my skin was too
I wish my skin was too.

I'm red, white and blue.
I'm red, white and blue.
I'm red, white and blue.
I'm red, white and blue...

Mirror lyrics:

I'm red, white and blue...
I'm red, white and blue.
I'm red, white and blue.
I'm red, white and blue.

I wish my skin was too.
And I wish my skin was too
Running through my veins
There's raw red blood

But I'd never lie to you.
I think you think I'm prejudice
To take the red mans land
The great white fathers had it planed

And proud of it too.
I'm red, white and blue

Red, white and blue.
That leaves me a mixed breed of
He likes being called Baby Doo
The white man said he'd marry me

Sew a little red and white sting.
That's what you get when you
Everybody calls me a halfbreed
I'm a blue eyed indian squaw

And proud of it too.
I'm red, white and blue

Red, white and blue.
That leaves me a mixed up breed of
Came the day before I said I do
The blue comes from the man I love

She's a red headed Irish maid.
The white comes from my grandma
He's an all American brave
The red comes from my grandpa

And proud of it too.
I'm red, white and blue

Relevant Tags:
RRed WWhite AAnd BBlue ed hite nd lue eRd hWite nAd lBue ded ahite znd vlue dRed aWhite zAnd vBlue Rded Wahite Aznd Bvlue
4ed 3hite qnd glue 4Red 3White qAnd gBlue R4ed W3hite Aqnd Bglue ged dhite snd nlue gRed dWhite sAnd nBlue Rged Wdhite Asnd Bnlue
ted ehite wnd hlue tRed eWhite wAnd hBlue Rted Wehite Awnd Bhlue 5ed shite xnd Bllue 5Red sWhite xAnd Bue R5ed Wshite Axnd Bule
fed 2hite Annd Bkue fRed 2White Ad Bklue Rfed W2hite Adn Blkue eed qhite Amd Boue eRed qWhite Amnd Bolue Reed Wqhite Anmd Bloue
Whhite Ahd Bpue Rd Wite Ahnd Bplue Rde Wihte Anhd Blpue Rsd Wjite Ajd Bluue Rsed Wjhite Ajnd Ble Resd Whjite Anjd Bleu
R3d Wuite Abd Blhe R3ed Wuhite Abnd Blhue Re3d Whuite Anbd Bluhe Rfd Wnite Andd Bl7e Wnhite An Bl7ue Refd Whnite And Blu7e
Rrd Wbite Anx Blke Rred Wbhite Anxd Rerd Whbite Andx Bluke R4d Wgite Ane Blie Wghite Aned Bliue Re4d Whgite Ande Bluie
Rdd Wyite Anf Bl8e Wyhite Anfd Bl8ue Redd Whyite Andf Blu8e Rwd Whiite Anr Blje Rwed Whte Anrd Bljue Rewd Whtie Andr Bluje
Whjte Anc Blye Re Ancd Blyue Red Whijte Andc Bluye Rex Wh9te Ans Bluee Rexd Wh9ite Ansd Blu Redx Whi9te Ands Blue
Ree Whlte Blus Whlite Bluse Rede Whilte Blues

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