Loretta Lynn
Just To Satisfy

(Carol Jones)

I realize how difficult it is for you
To take me as I am
And knowin' that you're not the first to love me
Makes the difference in a man.

But I feel no shame or guilty conscience
Knowing the way my moral stand
But my one big mistake in life is
Just to satisfy the weakness ina man.

So here I am now
You're all of my yesterdays
Just take my hand
If you can't see yourself with me.

I know my past must hurt you
But baby, I do the best I can
To live with things I did before
Without a wedding ring upon my hand.

Oh, you know it seems so funny
That the story should end as it began
But my one big mistake in life was settin' down my strenght
Just to satisfy the weakness in a man

--- Instrumental ---

So here I am
You're all of my yesterdays
Just take my hand
If you can't see yourself with me...

Mirror lyrics:

If you can't see yourself with me...
Just take my hand
You're all of my yesterdays
So here I am

--- Instrumental ---

Just to satisfy the weakness in a man
But my one big mistake in life was settin' down my strenght
That the story should end as it began
Oh, you know it seems so funny

Without a wedding ring upon my hand.
To live with things I did before
But baby, I do the best I can
I know my past must hurt you

If you can't see yourself with me.
Just take my hand
You're all of my yesterdays
So here I am now

Just to satisfy the weakness ina man.
But my one big mistake in life is
Knowing the way my moral stand
But I feel no shame or guilty conscience

Makes the difference in a man.
And knowin' that you're not the first to love me
To take me as I am
I realize how difficult it is for you

(Carol Jones)

Relevant Tags:
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iJust 5To wSatisfy Jiust T5o Swatisfy must ho datisfy mJust hTo dSatisfy Jmust Tho Sdatisfy nust yo eatisfy nJust yTo eSatisfy
Jnust Tyo Seatisfy hust 6o xatisfy hJust 6To xSatisfy Jhust T6o Sxatisfy uust go aatisfy uJust gTo aSatisfy Juust Tgo Saatisfy
ro Jst rTo Stisfy Jsut Tro Staisfy Jhst Too Sztisfy T Juhst To Saztisfy J7st Tk Sqtisfy
J7ust Tko Sqatisfy Ju7st Tok Saqtisfy Jkst T9 Sstisfy T9o Ssatisfy Jukst To9 Sastisfy Jist T0 Swtisfy T0o
Juist To0 Sawtisfy J8st Tl Sxtisfy J8ust Tlo Ju8st Tol Saxtisfy Jjst Ti Sattisfy Jjust Tio Saisfy Jujst Toi Saitsfy
Jyst Safisfy Jyust Saftisfy Juyst Satfisfy Jusst Sa5isfy Jut Sa5tisfy Juts Sat5isfy Juzt Sahisfy
Juzst Sahtisfy Juszt Sathisfy Juwt Sayisfy Juwst Saytisfy Juswt Satyisfy Judt Sa6isfy Judst Sa6tisfy
Jusdt Sat6isfy Juet Sagisfy Juest Sagtisfy Juset Satgisfy Juxt Sarisfy Juxst Sartisfy Jusxt Satrisfy
Juat Satiisfy Juast Satsfy Jusat Satsify Justt Satjsfy Jus Satjisfy Just Satijsfy Jusf Sat9sfy
Jusft Sat9isfy Justf Sati9sfy Jus5 Satlsfy

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