Loretta Lynn
You're The Only Good Thing

Are you thinking that I don't care for you
Could it be you believe that I've been untrue
Oh listen sweetheart it just cannot be
For you're the only good thing that happened to me.

We've had our ups and downs like all lovers do
But you know in your heart that I worship you
So don't ever think of setting me free
For you're the only good thing that happened to me.

--- Instrumental ---

If you ever should think that I don't love you
That I'm not satisfied with the things that you do
I want you to know and please understand
There's nothing in this world worth the touch of your hand.

We've had our ups and downs like all lovers do
But you know in your heart that I worship you
So don't ever think of setting me free
For you're the only good thing that happened to me...

Mirror lyrics:

For you're the only good thing that happened to me...
So don't ever think of setting me free
But you know in your heart that I worship you
We've had our ups and downs like all lovers do

There's nothing in this world worth the touch of your hand.
I want you to know and please understand
That I'm not satisfied with the things that you do
If you ever should think that I don't love you

--- Instrumental ---

For you're the only good thing that happened to me.
So don't ever think of setting me free
But you know in your heart that I worship you
We've had our ups and downs like all lovers do

For you're the only good thing that happened to me.
Oh listen sweetheart it just cannot be
Could it be you believe that I've been untrue
Are you thinking that I don't care for you

Relevant Tags:
YYou're TThe OOnly GGood TThing ou're he nly ood hing oYu're hTe nOly oGod hTing gou're fhe knly hood fhing gYou're fThe kOnly hGood fThing
Ygou're Tfhe Oknly Ghood Tfhing hou're 5he 9nly yood 5hing hYou're 5The 9Only yGood 5Thing Yhou're T5he O9nly Gyood T5hing 6ou're hhe 0nly bood hhing
6You're hThe 0Only bGood hThing Y6ou're Thhe O0nly Gbood Thhing uou're yhe lnly vood yhing uYou're yThe lOnly vGood yThing Yuou're Tyhe Olnly Gvood Tyhing
7ou're 6he inly food 6hing 7You're 6The iOnly fGood 6Thing Y7ou're T6he Oinly Gfood T6hing jou're ghe Onnly tood ghing jYou're gThe Oly tGood gThing
Yjou're Tghe Olny Gtood Tghing tou're rhe Omly Goood rhing tYou're rThe Omnly God rThing Ytou're Trhe Onmly Good Trhing Yoou're Ohly Gkod
Yu're Te Ohnly Gkood Ting Yuo're Teh Onhly Gokod Tihng Yku're Tje Ojly G9od Tjing Ykou're Tjhe Ojnly G9ood Tjhing Yoku're Thje Onjly Go9od Thjing
Y9u're Tue Obly G0od Tuing Y9ou're Tuhe Obnly G0ood Tuhing Yo9u're Thue Onbly Go0od Thuing Y0u're Tne Onlly Glod Tning Y0ou're Tnhe Ony Glood Tnhing
Yo0u're Thne Onyl Golod Thning Ylu're Tbe Onky Giod Tbing Ylou're Tbhe Onkly Giood Tbhing Yolu're Thbe Onlky Goiod Thbing Yiu're Tge Onoy Tging
Yiou're Onoly Yoiu're Thge Onloy Godo Thging Youu're Tye Onpy Gokd Tying Yo're Onply Yo'ure Thye Onlpy Gookd Thying
Yoh're Thee Onlyy Go9d Thiing Yohu're Th Onl Thng Youh're The Only Goo9d Thnig Yo7're Ths Onlg Go0d Thjng Yo7u're Thse Onlgy
You7're Thes Onlyg Goo0d Thijng Yok're Th3 Onlh Gold Th9ng Th3e Onlhy Th9ing Youk're The3 Onlyh Goold Thi9ng Yoi're Thf Onl6 Goid Thlng

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