Lonnie Johnson
Good Luck Darling (1961)

Best wishes darlin', the best everything to you.
Best wishes darlin', the best of everything to you.
Yes, I hope the one you found, can do all the things that I failed to do.

Darlin', if I never, if I never see your smilin' face again.
Darlin', darlin', never see your smilin' face again.
It's one thing I want you to remember, I'll always be your friend.

You mean everything to me, but we can't get along somehow.
Yes, you mean everything to me, but you can't see things my way.
But the best of everything to you, I'm goin' to miss you night and day.

I have no more tears to shed, and I just can't beg you no more.
I have no more tears to shed, but just can't beg you no more.
I made up my mind and it hurts me so, but I just have to let you go.

Yes, I've tried so hard to please you, but I just can't please your mind.
Yes, I've tried so hard to please you, but I just can't please your mind.
You just keep me worryin', cryin' for you all the time.

Mirror lyrics:

You just keep me worryin', cryin' for you all the time.
Yes, I've tried so hard to please you, but I just can't please your mind.
Yes, I've tried so hard to please you, but I just can't please your mind.

I made up my mind and it hurts me so, but I just have to let you go.
I have no more tears to shed, but just can't beg you no more.
I have no more tears to shed, and I just can't beg you no more.

But the best of everything to you, I'm goin' to miss you night and day.
Yes, you mean everything to me, but you can't see things my way.
You mean everything to me, but we can't get along somehow.

It's one thing I want you to remember, I'll always be your friend.
Darlin', darlin', never see your smilin' face again.
Darlin', if I never, if I never see your smilin' face again.

Yes, I hope the one you found, can do all the things that I failed to do.
Best wishes darlin', the best of everything to you.
Best wishes darlin', the best everything to you.

Relevant Tags:
GGood LLuck DDarling ((1961) ood uck arling 1961) oGod uLck aDrling 1(961) hood kuck xarling (11961) hGood kLuck xDarling (961) Ghood Lkuck Dxarling (9161)
yood ouck earling (2961) yGood oLuck eDarling (21961) Gyood Louck Dearling (12961) bood puck farling (q961) bGood pLuck fDarling (q1961) Gbood Lpuck Dfarling (1q961)
vood Luuck rarling (19961) vGood Lck rDarling (161) Gvood Lcuk Drarling (1691) food Lhck carling (1061) fGood Lhuck cDarling (10961) Gfood Luhck Dcarling (19061)
tood L7ck sarling (1i61) tGood L7uck sDarling (1i961) Gtood Lu7ck Dsarling (19i61) Goood Lkck Daarling (1o61) God Drling (1o961) Good Lukck Draling (19o61)
Gkod Lick Dzrling (1861) Gkood Liuck Dzarling (18961) Gokod Luick Dazrling (19861) G9od L8ck Dqrling (19661) G9ood L8uck Dqarling (191) Go9od Lu8ck Daqrling (1916)
G0od Ljck Dsrling (1971) G0ood Ljuck (19761) Go0od Lujck Dasrling (19671) Glod Lyck Dwrling (19t1) Glood Lyuck Dwarling (19t61) Golod Luyck Dawrling (196t1)
Giod Lucck Dxrling (19y1) Giood Luk (19y61) Goiod Lukc Daxrling (196y1) Lufk Darrling (1951) Lufck Daling (19561) Godo Lucfk Dalring (19651)
Gokd Luxk Dadling (19611) Luxck Dadrling (196) Gookd Lucxk Dardling (196)1 Go9d Luvk Da4ling (1962) Luvck Da4rling (19621) Goo9d Lucvk Dar4ling (19612)
Go0d Ludk Dagling (196q) Ludck Dagrling (196q1) Goo0d Lucdk Dargling (1961q) Gold Luckk Datling (1961)) Luc Datrling (1961 Goold Luck Dartling (1961)
Goid Lucl Da5ling Luclk Da5rling Gooid Luckl Dar5ling Goodd Luco Dafling Goo Lucok Dafrling Lucko Darfling
Goox Lucm Daeling Gooxd Lucmk Daerling Goodx Luckm Dareling Gooe Lucj Darlling

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