Lita Ford
Where Will I Find My Heart Tonight

I found hunger in the fields of plenty
I found freedom in a ball and chain
I found madness in the voice of reason
I found mercy at the hangman's gate

I've held the world in the palm of my hand
And watched as it slipped through my fingers like sand
Here I am alone again

Where do I turn
When all I see around me is a lie?
If I close my eyes
Where will I find my heart tonight?
I know all my dreams have fallen on hard times
And I'm so cold inside
Where will I find my heart tonight?

I found peace in the heat of the battle
I found treason in the eyes of a friend
I found hate in the words of a preacher
I found fortune in a beggar's hands

I close my eyes and pray for the light
To guide my way
Into the night, I fall
And the world is crashin' down around my soul

Why do I turn
When all I see around me is a lie?
If I close my eyes
Where will I find my heart tonight?
I know all my dreams have fallen on hard times
And I'm so cold inside
Where will I find my heart tonight?

I have searched a thousand years
Through the darkness and the tears
And I don't think I can take another night
Without you here

Where do I turn
When all I see around me is a lie?
If I close my eyes
Where will I find my heart tonight?
I know all my dreams have fallen on hard times
And I'm so cold inside
Where will I find my heart tonight?

Where will I find my heart tonight?

Mirror lyrics:

Where will I find my heart tonight?

Where will I find my heart tonight?
And I'm so cold inside
I know all my dreams have fallen on hard times
Where will I find my heart tonight?
If I close my eyes
When all I see around me is a lie?
Where do I turn

Without you here
And I don't think I can take another night
Through the darkness and the tears
I have searched a thousand years

Where will I find my heart tonight?
And I'm so cold inside
I know all my dreams have fallen on hard times
Where will I find my heart tonight?
If I close my eyes
When all I see around me is a lie?
Why do I turn

And the world is crashin' down around my soul
Into the night, I fall
To guide my way
I close my eyes and pray for the light

I found fortune in a beggar's hands
I found hate in the words of a preacher
I found treason in the eyes of a friend
I found peace in the heat of the battle

Where will I find my heart tonight?
And I'm so cold inside
I know all my dreams have fallen on hard times
Where will I find my heart tonight?
If I close my eyes
When all I see around me is a lie?
Where do I turn

Here I am alone again
And watched as it slipped through my fingers like sand
I've held the world in the palm of my hand

I found mercy at the hangman's gate
I found madness in the voice of reason
I found freedom in a ball and chain
I found hunger in the fields of plenty

Relevant Tags:
WWhere WWill II FFind MMy HHeart TTonight here ill ind y eart onight hWere iWll I iFnd yM eHart oTnight ahere aill j cind jy jeart fonight aWhere aWill jI cFind jMy jHeart fTonight
Wahere Waill Ij Fcind Mjy Hjeart Tfonight 3here 3ill 9 rind ky ueart 5onight 3Where 3Will 9I rFind kMy uHeart 5Tonight W3here W3ill I9 Frind Mky Hueart T5onight dhere dill l gind ny neart honight
dWhere dWill lI gFind nMy nHeart hTonight Wdhere Wdill Il Fgind Mny Hneart Thonight ehere eill o tind Myy beart yonight eWhere eWill oI tFind M bHeart yTonight Wehere Weill Io Ftind My Hbeart Tyonight
shere sill k vind Mg geart 6onight sWhere sWill kI vFind Mgy gHeart 6Tonight Wshere Wsill Ik Fvind Myg Hgeart T6onight 2here 2ill 8 dind Mh yeart gonight 2Where 2Will 8I dFind Mhy yHeart gTonight
W2here W2ill I8 Fdind Myh Hyeart Tgonight qhere qill u Fiind M6 Heeart ronight qWhere qWill uI Fnd M6y Hart rTonight Wqhere Wqill Iu Fnid My6 Haert Tronight Whhere Wiill Fjnd Mu Hsart Toonight
Were Wll Fjind Muy Hseart Tnight Wehre Wlil Fijnd Myu Hesart Tnoight Wjere Wjll F9nd M7 H3art Tknight Wjhere Wjill F9ind M7y H3eart Tkonight Whjere Wijll Fi9nd My7 He3art Toknight
Wuere W9ll Flnd Mj Hfart T9night Wuhere W9ill Flind Hfeart T9onight Whuere Wi9ll Filnd Myj Hefart To9night Wnere Wlll Fond Mt Hrart T0night Wnhere Wlill Foind Mty Hreart T0onight
Whnere Willl Fiond Myt Herart To0night Wbere Woll Fknd H4art Tlnight Wbhere Woill Fkind H4eart Tlonight Whbere Wioll Fiknd He4art Tolnight Wgere Wkll F8nd Hdart Tinight
Wghere Wkill F8ind Hdeart Tionight Whgere Wikll Fi8nd Hedart Toinight Wyere W8ll Fund Hwart Tonnight Wyhere W8ill Fuind Hweart Toight Whyere Wi8ll Fiund Hewart Toinght
Wheere Wull Finnd Heaart Tomight Whre Wuill Fid Hert Tomnight Whree Wiull Fidn Herat Tonmight Whsre Fimd Hezrt Tohight Whsere Wil Fimnd Hezart Tohnight
Whesre Will Finmd Heazrt Tonhight Wh3re Wikl Fihd Heqrt Tojight Wh3ere Fihnd Heqart Tojnight Whe3re Wilkl Finhd Heaqrt Tonjight Whfre Wiol Fijd Hesrt Tobight
Whfere Tobnight Whefre Wilol Finjd Heasrt Tonbight Whrre Wipl Fibd Hewrt Toniight Whrere Wipll Fibnd Tonght Wherre Wilpl Finbd Heawrt Tongiht
Wh4re Findd Hexrt Tonjght Wh4ere Fin Hexart Whe4re Find Heaxrt Tonijght Whdre Wilk Finx Hearrt Ton9ght Whdere Finxd Heat Ton9ight
Whedre Willk Findx Heatr Toni9ght Whwre Wilo Fine Headt Tonlght Whwere Fined Headrt Tonlight Whewre Willo Finde Heardt Tonilght Wilp Finf Hea4t Tonoght

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