Lita Ford
War Of The Angels

She runs through the streets
So desperately young
Her eyes aflame
And her mind undone
She aches for the songs
That will never be sung
And the heroes so quickly forgotten

She sees a friend
In the church yard light
Laughin' and jokin'
And talkin' to the sky
Shots ring out
And he hits the ground
He never opens his eyes
And she cries

Heaven is closed to the angels below
Streets of gold are now paved with sorrow
God only knows what happens to love
When the innocence is gone
And the war of the angels has begun

The ghosts in her head
Have faces and names
They're soldiers and children
All one in the same
In the streets and the alleys
Hear the battle cries sound
And the angels run for cover
As the world comes tumbling down

All through the night the battle is fought
They can never win back the lives they've lost
Down on her knees, in the tear stained dawn
She just closes her eyes and whispers goodbye

Heaven is closed to the angels below
Streets of gold are now paved with sorrow
God only knows what happens to love
When the innocence is gone
And the war of the angels is never won

Another day in the neighborhood
Better dry your eyes and be off to school
She packs her lunch and her daddy's gun
Seems much too old to be so young

The battle begins the day that you're born
Into this world, so heartsick and war torn
Somebody better come and carry her away
Maybe this angel will live...
To fly again someday

Heaven is closed to the angels below
Streets of gold are now paved with sorrow
God only knows what happens to love
When the innocence is gone
And the war of the angels rages on
Rages on
Oh, yeah, yeah

Mirror lyrics:

Oh, yeah, yeah
Rages on
And the war of the angels rages on
When the innocence is gone
God only knows what happens to love
Streets of gold are now paved with sorrow
Heaven is closed to the angels below

To fly again someday
Maybe this angel will live...
Somebody better come and carry her away
Into this world, so heartsick and war torn
The battle begins the day that you're born

Seems much too old to be so young
She packs her lunch and her daddy's gun
Better dry your eyes and be off to school
Another day in the neighborhood

And the war of the angels is never won
When the innocence is gone
God only knows what happens to love
Streets of gold are now paved with sorrow
Heaven is closed to the angels below

She just closes her eyes and whispers goodbye
Down on her knees, in the tear stained dawn
They can never win back the lives they've lost
All through the night the battle is fought

As the world comes tumbling down
And the angels run for cover
Hear the battle cries sound
In the streets and the alleys
All one in the same
They're soldiers and children
Have faces and names
The ghosts in her head

And the war of the angels has begun
When the innocence is gone
God only knows what happens to love
Streets of gold are now paved with sorrow
Heaven is closed to the angels below

And she cries
He never opens his eyes
And he hits the ground
Shots ring out
And talkin' to the sky
Laughin' and jokin'
In the church yard light
She sees a friend

And the heroes so quickly forgotten
That will never be sung
She aches for the songs
And her mind undone
Her eyes aflame
So desperately young
She runs through the streets

Relevant Tags:
WWar OOf TThe AAngels ar f he ngels aWr fO hTe nAgels aar kf fhe zngels aWar kOf fThe zAngels Waar Okf Tfhe Azngels
3ar 9f 5he qngels 3War 9Of 5The qAngels W3ar O9f T5he Aqngels dar 0f hhe sngels dWar 0Of hThe sAngels Wdar O0f Thhe Asngels
ear lf yhe wngels eWar lOf yThe wAngels Wear Olf Tyhe Awngels sar if 6he xngels sWar iOf 6The xAngels Wsar Oif T6he Axngels
2ar Off ghe Anngels 2War O gThe Agels W2ar Of Tghe Agnels qar Oc rhe Amgels qWar Ocf rThe Amngels Wqar Ofc Trhe Anmgels
Or Ahgels Wr Orf Te Ahngels Wra Ofr Teh Anhgels Wzr Og Tje Ajgels Wzar Ogf Tjhe Ajngels Wazr Ofg Thje Anjgels
Wqr Ot Tue Abgels Otf Tuhe Abngels Waqr Oft Thue Anbgels Wsr Ov Tne Anggels Ovf Tnhe Anels Wasr Ofv Thne Anegls
Wwr Od Tbe Anhels Wwar Odf Tbhe Wawr Ofd Thbe Anghels Wxr Tge Anyels Wxar Anygels Waxr Thge Angyels
Warr Tye Anbels Wa War Thye Angbels Wad Thee Anvels Wadr Th Anvgels Ward The Angvels
Wa4 Ths Anfels Wa4r Thse Anfgels War4 Thes Angfels Wag Th3 Antels Wagr Th3e Antgels Warg The3 Angtels

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