Lisa Stansfield
In All The Right Places

If you take me straight to heaven
I could never fall
'Cos loving you is what I'm made for
I'd gladly give my all and all
It doesn't matter where I am
As long as I'm with you
You can take me high above
Whatever I've been dreaming of

In all the right places, it's feeling so good
In all the right places. just like it should
And I swear, I love you
And I swear, I love you

If we're dancing all alone
Or in a crowded room
When you wrap your arms around me
You can always send me to the moon
When we kiss our sugar kisses
And the music starts to play
We've got love, we've got each other
And we're going all the way

In all the right places, it's feeling so good
In all the right places. just like it should
And I swear, I love you
And I swear, I love you

Find time's never wasted, when it's ours to kill
I know in all the right places, you're touching me still
And I swear, I love you
And I swear, I love you

And I swear, I love you
And I swear, I love you
I love you

Mirror lyrics:

I love you
And I swear, I love you
And I swear, I love you

And I swear, I love you
And I swear, I love you
I know in all the right places, you're touching me still
Find time's never wasted, when it's ours to kill

And I swear, I love you
And I swear, I love you
In all the right places. just like it should
In all the right places, it's feeling so good

And we're going all the way
We've got love, we've got each other
And the music starts to play
When we kiss our sugar kisses
You can always send me to the moon
When you wrap your arms around me
Or in a crowded room
If we're dancing all alone

And I swear, I love you
And I swear, I love you
In all the right places. just like it should
In all the right places, it's feeling so good

Whatever I've been dreaming of
You can take me high above
As long as I'm with you
It doesn't matter where I am
I'd gladly give my all and all
'Cos loving you is what I'm made for
I could never fall
If you take me straight to heaven

Relevant Tags:
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Ib Alo Tbe Roght Plwces Ibn Tbhe Roight Plwaces Inb Allo Thbe Rioght Plawces Alp Tge Rkght Plxces Rkight Plxaces Allp Thge Rikght Plaxces
Tye R8ght Placces R8ight Plaes Thye Ri8ght Plaecs Thee Rught Plafes Th Ruight Plafces The Riught Placfes
Ths Rigght Plaxes Thse Riht Thes Rihgt Placxes Th3 Rihht Plaves Th3e Rihght Plavces The3 Righht Placves

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