Lisa Stansfield
I'm Coming To Get You

Take a good look at me
Do you like what you see
Am I mystery
Or do you remember me

I've come to win the game
I've come to make my claim
You'll take me home again
You're gonna remember me

You held me in your arms
You kept me safe and warm
You wrapped me up in charm
Then we said goodbye

Now I'm coming to get you
And you'd better believe me when I Say that
I'm not gonna let you go
'Cos the moment that we met I knew that that was that boy

From my point of view
I still imagine you
So fresh, so totally cool
I've got a good memory me
I can't forget that smile
You and your sense of style
I've traveled miles and miles
So you're gonna remember me

Oh you could say we failed
A hiccup in our tale
But that ship never sailed
When we said goodbye

So I'm coming to get you
And you'd better believe me when I Say that
I'm not gonna let you go
'Cos the moment that we met I knew that that was that boy

So hold me in your arms
and keep me safe and warm
Just wrap me up in charm
Never say goodbye

'Cos I'm coming to get you
And you'd better believe me when I Say that
I'm not gonna let you go
'Cos the moment that we met I knew that that was that boy

Mirror lyrics:

'Cos the moment that we met I knew that that was that boy
I'm not gonna let you go
And you'd better believe me when I Say that
'Cos I'm coming to get you

Never say goodbye
Just wrap me up in charm
and keep me safe and warm
So hold me in your arms

'Cos the moment that we met I knew that that was that boy
I'm not gonna let you go
And you'd better believe me when I Say that
So I'm coming to get you

When we said goodbye
But that ship never sailed
A hiccup in our tale
Oh you could say we failed

So you're gonna remember me
I've traveled miles and miles
You and your sense of style
I can't forget that smile
I've got a good memory me
So fresh, so totally cool
I still imagine you
From my point of view

'Cos the moment that we met I knew that that was that boy
I'm not gonna let you go
And you'd better believe me when I Say that
Now I'm coming to get you

Then we said goodbye
You wrapped me up in charm
You kept me safe and warm
You held me in your arms

You're gonna remember me
You'll take me home again
I've come to make my claim
I've come to win the game

Or do you remember me
Am I mystery
Do you like what you see
Take a good look at me

Relevant Tags:
II'm CComing TTo GGet YYou 'm oming o et ou 'Im oCming oT eGt oYu j'm foming fo het gou jI'm fComing fTo hGet gYou Ij'm Cfoming Tfo Ghet Ygou
9'm xoming 5o yet hou 9I'm xComing 5To yGet hYou I9'm Cxoming T5o Gyet Yhou l'm voming ho bet 6ou lI'm vComing hTo bGet 6You Il'm Cvoming Tho Gbet Y6ou
o'm doming yo vet uou oI'm dComing yTo vGet uYou Io'm Cdoming Tyo Gvet Yuou k'm Cooming 6o fet 7ou kI'm Cming 6To fGet 7You Ik'm Cmoing T6o Gfet Y7ou
8'm Ckming go tet jou 8I'm Ckoming gTo tGet jYou I8'm Cokming Tgo Gtet Yjou u'm C9ming ro Geet tou uI'm C9oming rTo Gt tYou Iu'm Co9ming Tro Gte Ytou
I''m C0ming Too Gst Yoou Im C0oming T Gset Yu Im' Co0ming To Gest Yuo I'mm Clming Tk G3t Yku I' Cloming Tko G3et Ykou I'm Colming Tok Ge3t Yoku
I'j Ciming T9 Gft Y9u I'jm Cioming T9o Y9ou I'mj Coiming To9 Geft Yo9u I'k Comming T0 Grt Y0u I'km Coing T0o Gret Y0ou I'mk Coimng To0 Gert Yo0u
I'n Cojing Tl G4t Ylu I'nm Cojming Tlo G4et Ylou I'mn Comjing Tol Ge4t Yolu Coking Ti Gdt Yiu Tio Gdet Yiou Comking Toi Gedt Yoiu
Coning Gwt Youu Conming Gwet Yo Comning Gewt You Comiing Gett Yoh Comng Ge Yohu Comnig Get Youh
Comjng Gef Yo7 Yo7u

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