Walk Into This Room

Don't let 'em get to your heart
Don't lose your diamonds swimmin' in a lake when it's (? ? )
The whole wide world feels like a shrine built to the worker bees
Who stole it from God anyhow

Lay it down child
Lay it down child
And walk into this room

Don't let 'em get to your spark
That little light in the back of everything that says this
Isn't for madder love
The whole wide world feels like a clan of mad scientists removing the juice
So they can freeze-dry you and put you in a box

Lay it down child
Lay it down child
And walk into this room all made with love for you
Lay it down child
You can
You can
Lay it down child
And walk into this room

A hundred candles to make the walls come alive
A little frank insence to sweeten the air just right
Now take my hand

And open the door
And open the door
Yeah, oh...
Yeah, oh...

Lay it down child
You can
You can
Lay it down child
And walk into this room
Walk into this room
Lay it down child
Just lay it down, lay it down
Lay it down
Lay it down, lay it down
Into this room

Mirror lyrics:

Into this room
Lay it down, lay it down
Lay it down
Just lay it down, lay it down
Lay it down child
Walk into this room
And walk into this room
Lay it down child
You can
You can
Lay it down child

Yeah, oh...
Yeah, oh...
And open the door
And open the door

Now take my hand
A little frank insence to sweeten the air just right
A hundred candles to make the walls come alive

And walk into this room
Lay it down child
You can
You can
Lay it down child
And walk into this room all made with love for you
Lay it down child
Lay it down child

So they can freeze-dry you and put you in a box
The whole wide world feels like a clan of mad scientists removing the juice
Isn't for madder love
That little light in the back of everything that says this
Don't let 'em get to your spark

And walk into this room
Lay it down child
Lay it down child

Who stole it from God anyhow
The whole wide world feels like a shrine built to the worker bees
Don't lose your diamonds swimmin' in a lake when it's (? ? )
Don't let 'em get to your heart

Relevant Tags:
WWalk IInto TThis RRoom alk nto his oom aWlk nIto hTis oRom aalk jnto fhis doom aWalk jInto fThis dRoom Waalk Ijnto Tfhis Rdoom
3alk 9nto 5his 4oom 3Walk 9Into 5This 4Room W3alk I9nto T5his R4oom dalk lnto hhis goom dWalk lInto hThis gRoom Wdalk Ilnto Thhis Rgoom
ealk onto yhis toom eWalk oInto yThis tRoom Wealk Ionto Tyhis Rtoom salk knto 6his 5oom sWalk kInto 6This 5Room Wsalk Iknto T6his R5oom
2alk 8nto ghis foom 2Walk 8Into gThis fRoom W2alk I8nto Tghis Rfoom qalk unto rhis eoom qWalk uInto rThis eRoom Wqalk Iunto Trhis Reoom
Innto Rooom Wlk Ito Tis Rom Wlak Itno Tihs Room Wzlk Imto Tjis Rkom Wzalk Imnto Tjhis Rkoom Wazlk Inmto Thjis Rokom
Wqlk Ihto Tuis R9om Ihnto Tuhis R9oom Waqlk Inhto Thuis Ro9om Wslk Ijto Tnis R0om Tnhis R0oom Waslk Injto Thnis Ro0om
Wwlk Ibto Tbis Rlom Wwalk Ibnto Tbhis Rloom Wawlk Inbto Thbis Rolom Wxlk Intto Tgis Riom Wxalk Ino Rioom Waxlk Inot Thgis Roiom
Wallk Info Tyis

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