Lightning Crashes

Lightning crashes, a new mother cries
Her placenta falls to the floor
The angel opens her eyes
The confusion sets in
Before the doctor can even close the door

Lightning crashes, an old mother dies
Her intentions fall to the floor
The angel closes her eyes
The confusion that was hers
Belongs now, to the baby down the hall

Oh I feel it comin' back again
Like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind
Forces pullin' from the center of the earth again
I can feel it

Lightning crashes, a new mother cries
This moment she's been waiting for
The angel opens her eyes
Pale blue colored iris, presents the circle
Puts the glory up to high, high

Oh I feel it comin back again
Like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind
Forces pullin' from the center of the earth again
I can feel it; I can feel it

Oh I, oh I, oh I

I can feel it comin' back again
Like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind
Forces pullin' from the center of the earth again
I can feel it (x3)

I can feel it; I can feel it

Mirror lyrics:

I can feel it; I can feel it

I can feel it (x3)
Forces pullin' from the center of the earth again
Like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind
I can feel it comin' back again

Oh I, oh I, oh I

I can feel it; I can feel it
Forces pullin' from the center of the earth again
Like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind
Oh I feel it comin back again

Puts the glory up to high, high
Pale blue colored iris, presents the circle
The angel opens her eyes
This moment she's been waiting for
Lightning crashes, a new mother cries

I can feel it
Forces pullin' from the center of the earth again
Like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind
Oh I feel it comin' back again

Belongs now, to the baby down the hall
The confusion that was hers
The angel closes her eyes
Her intentions fall to the floor
Lightning crashes, an old mother dies

Before the doctor can even close the door
The confusion sets in
The angel opens her eyes
Her placenta falls to the floor
Lightning crashes, a new mother cries

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oightning xrashes oLightning xCrashes Loightning Cxrashes pightning vrashes pLightning vCrashes Lpightning Cvrashes
Liightning drashes Lghtning dCrashes Lgihtning Cdrashes Ljghtning Crrashes Ljightning Cashes Lijghtning Carshes
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Loghtning Cgashes Cgrashes Lioghtning Crgashes Lkghtning Ctashes Ctrashes Likghtning Crtashes
L8ghtning C5ashes L8ightning C5rashes Li8ghtning Cr5ashes Lughtning Cfashes Luightning Liughtning Crfashes
Ligghtning Ceashes Lihtning Cerashes Lihgtning Creashes Lihhtning Craashes Lihghtning Crshes Lighhtning Crsahes
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Livhtning Crsshes Livghtning Crsashes Ligvhtning Crasshes Lifhtning Crwshes Lifghtning Crwashes Ligfhtning Crawshes
Lithtning Crxshes Litghtning Crxashes Ligthtning Craxshes Ligtning Crahes Ligthning Crahses Ligjtning Crazhes
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Lighfning Crasjes

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