Little Texas
What Might Have Been

Sure I think about you now and then
But it's been a long, long time
Well I've got a good life now, I moved on
So when you cross my mind
I try not to think about what might have been
Cause that was then and
We have taken different roads
We can't go back again
There's no use giving in
And theres no way to know
What might have been

We can sit and talk about this all night long
And wonder why we didn't last
Yes, they might be the best days we will ever know
But we'll have to leave them in the past

So try not to think about what might have been
Cause that was then
And we have taken different roads
We can't go back again
There's no use giving in
And there's no way to know
What might have been

Same old look in your eyes,
It's a beautiful night
I'm so tempted to stay
But too much time has gone by
We should just say goodbye
And turn and walk away

Try not to think about what might have been
Cause that was then and we have taken different roads
We can't go back again
Tthere's no use giving in
And there's no way to know
What might have been

No we'll never know
What might have been.

Mirror lyrics:

What might have been.
No we'll never know

What might have been
And there's no way to know
Tthere's no use giving in
We can't go back again
Cause that was then and we have taken different roads
Try not to think about what might have been

And turn and walk away
We should just say goodbye
But too much time has gone by
I'm so tempted to stay
It's a beautiful night
Same old look in your eyes,

What might have been
And there's no way to know
There's no use giving in
We can't go back again
And we have taken different roads
Cause that was then
So try not to think about what might have been

But we'll have to leave them in the past
Yes, they might be the best days we will ever know
And wonder why we didn't last
We can sit and talk about this all night long

What might have been
And theres no way to know
There's no use giving in
We can't go back again
We have taken different roads
Cause that was then and
I try not to think about what might have been
So when you cross my mind
Well I've got a good life now, I moved on
But it's been a long, long time
Sure I think about you now and then

Relevant Tags:
WWhat MMight HHave BBeen hat ight ave een hWat iMght aHve eBen ahat jight jave veen aWhat jMight jHave vBeen Wahat Mjight Hjave Bveen
3hat kight uave geen 3What kMight uHave gBeen W3hat Mkight Huave Bgeen dhat night nave neen dWhat nMight nHave nBeen Wdhat Mnight Hnave Bneen
ehat Miight bave heen eWhat Mght bHave hBeen Wehat Mgiht Hbave Bheen shat Mjght gave Beeen sWhat gHave Ben Wshat Mijght Hgave Been
2hat M9ght yave Bsen 2What M9ight yHave Bseen W2hat Mi9ght Hyave Besen qhat Mlght Haave B3en qWhat Mlight Hve B3een Wqhat Milght Hvae Be3en
Whhat Moght Hzve Bfen Wat Moight Hzave Bfeen Waht Mioght Hazve Befen Wjat Mkght Hqve Bren Wjhat Hqave Breen Whjat Mikght Haqve Beren
Wuat M8ght Hsve B4en Wuhat M8ight Hsave B4een Whuat Mi8ght Hasve Be4en Wnat Mught Hwve Bden Wnhat Muight Hwave Bdeen Whnat Miught Hawve Beden
Wbat Migght Hxve Bwen Wbhat Miht Hxave Bween Whbat Mihgt Haxve Bewen Wgat Mihht Havve Wghat Mihght Hae Whgat Mighht Haev Bene
Wyat Miyht Habe Besn Wyhat Miyght Habve Whyat Migyht Havbe Beesn Whaat Mibht Hace Be3n Wht Mibght Hacve

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