Little Texas
Only Thing I'm Sure Of

Just like everyone else
I've seen hard times they come and they go
When all the work I put in
Just doesn't work out there's one thing I know
If it all starts to fall down around me
You'll be standing right here by my side

'Cause the only thing I'm sure of
Is I don't know what I'd do without your love
You and me together, will always be enough
From now until forever even when times get rough
I know that I can depend on your love
And that's the only think I'm sure of

I been losing my mind
Breaking my back since I don't know when
When I finally get home
The next thing I know I'm leaving again
Just when I think that I'm gonna quit it
You're the one that keeps pulling me through

'Cause the only thing I'm sure of
Is I don't know what I'd do without your love
You and me together, will always be enough
From now until forever even when times get rough
I know that I can depend on your love
And that's the only think I'm sure of

If it all starts to fall down around me
You'll be standing right here by my side

'Cause the only thing I'm sure of
Is I don't know what I'd do without your love
You and me together, will always be enough
From now until forever even when times get rough
I know that I can depend on your love
And that's the only think I'm sure of

I know that I can depend on your love
And that's the only thing I'm sure of
The only thing I'm sure of

Mirror lyrics:

The only thing I'm sure of
And that's the only thing I'm sure of
I know that I can depend on your love

And that's the only think I'm sure of
I know that I can depend on your love
From now until forever even when times get rough
You and me together, will always be enough
Is I don't know what I'd do without your love
'Cause the only thing I'm sure of

You'll be standing right here by my side
If it all starts to fall down around me

And that's the only think I'm sure of
I know that I can depend on your love
From now until forever even when times get rough
You and me together, will always be enough
Is I don't know what I'd do without your love
'Cause the only thing I'm sure of

You're the one that keeps pulling me through
Just when I think that I'm gonna quit it
The next thing I know I'm leaving again
When I finally get home
Breaking my back since I don't know when
I been losing my mind

And that's the only think I'm sure of
I know that I can depend on your love
From now until forever even when times get rough
You and me together, will always be enough
Is I don't know what I'd do without your love
'Cause the only thing I'm sure of

You'll be standing right here by my side
If it all starts to fall down around me
Just doesn't work out there's one thing I know
When all the work I put in
I've seen hard times they come and they go
Just like everyone else

Relevant Tags:
OOnly TThing II'm SSure OOf nly hing 'm ure f nOly hTing 'Im uSre fO knly fhing j'm zure kf kOnly fThing jI'm zSure kOf Oknly Tfhing Ij'm Szure Okf
9nly 5hing 9'm wure 9f 9Only 5Thing 9I'm wSure 9Of O9nly T5hing I9'm Swure O9f 0nly hhing l'm dure 0f 0Only hThing lI'm dSure 0Of O0nly Thhing Il'm Sdure O0f
lnly yhing o'm eure lf lOnly yThing oI'm eSure lOf Olnly Tyhing Io'm Seure Olf inly 6hing k'm xure if iOnly 6Thing kI'm xSure iOf Oinly T6hing Ik'm Sxure Oif
Onnly ghing 8'm aure Off Oly gThing 8I'm aSure O Olny Tghing I8'm Saure Of Omly rhing u'm Suure Oc Omnly rThing uI'm Sre Ocf Onmly Trhing Iu'm Srue Ofc
Ohly I''m Shre Or Ohnly Ting Im Shure Orf Onhly Tihng Im' Suhre Ofr Ojly Tjing I'mm S7re Og Ojnly Tjhing I' S7ure Ogf Onjly Thjing I'm Su7re Ofg
Obly Tuing I'j Skre Ot Obnly Tuhing I'jm Skure Otf Onbly Thuing I'mj Sukre Oft Onlly Tning I'k Sire Ov Ony Tnhing I'km Siure Ovf Onyl Thning I'mk Suire Ofv
Onky Tbing I'n S8re Od Onkly Tbhing I'nm S8ure Odf Onlky Thbing I'mn Su8re Ofd Onoy Tging Sjre Onoly Sjure Onloy Thging Sujre
Onpy Tying Syre Onply Syure Onlpy Thying Suyre Onlyy Thiing Surre Onl Thng Sue Only Thnig Suer
Onlg Thjng Sude

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