Less Than Jake
Antidote For The Underdog

Stop the car and let me out
I've got a bad case, I can't stay here right now
Condition; my small town, Prognosis; let's get out
What's left except interstates and out-of-town plates

I'm more than all the cell phone towers
I'm more than all these warning baring streets
I'm more than all these small town skylines
More than they thought I'd turn out to be

Let me get this off my chest
Every bad idea I've had is starting to make sense
Feel emotionless, becoming powerless
What's left except making lists and late night double shifts

I'm more than all the cell phone towers
I'm more than all these warning baring streets
I'm more than all these small town skylines
I'm more than they thought

It's always I want more and what I wish for
It's the never-ending cycle of always being bored
Finding an antidote for the underdog
And an anthem for the idling side

I'm more than all the cell phone towers
I'm more than all these warning baring streets
I'm more than all these small town skylines
I'm more than they thought I'd turn out to be

Mirror lyrics:

I'm more than they thought I'd turn out to be
I'm more than all these small town skylines
I'm more than all these warning baring streets
I'm more than all the cell phone towers

And an anthem for the idling side
Finding an antidote for the underdog
It's the never-ending cycle of always being bored
It's always I want more and what I wish for

I'm more than they thought
I'm more than all these small town skylines
I'm more than all these warning baring streets
I'm more than all the cell phone towers

What's left except making lists and late night double shifts
Feel emotionless, becoming powerless
Every bad idea I've had is starting to make sense
Let me get this off my chest

More than they thought I'd turn out to be
I'm more than all these small town skylines
I'm more than all these warning baring streets
I'm more than all the cell phone towers

What's left except interstates and out-of-town plates
Condition; my small town, Prognosis; let's get out
I've got a bad case, I can't stay here right now
Stop the car and let me out

Relevant Tags:
AAntidote FFor TThe UUnderdog ntidote or he nderdog nAtidote oFr hTe nUderdog zntidote cor fhe hnderdog zAntidote cFor fThe hUnderdog
Azntidote Fcor Tfhe Uhnderdog qntidote ror 5he 7nderdog qAntidote rFor 5The 7Underdog Aqntidote Fror T5he U7nderdog sntidote gor hhe knderdog
sAntidote gFor hThe kUnderdog Asntidote Fgor Thhe Uknderdog wntidote tor yhe inderdog wAntidote tFor yThe iUnderdog Awntidote Ftor Tyhe Uinderdog
xntidote vor 6he 8nderdog xAntidote vFor 6The 8Underdog Axntidote Fvor T6he U8nderdog Anntidote dor ghe jnderdog Atidote dFor gThe jUnderdog
Atnidote Fdor Tghe Ujnderdog Amtidote Foor rhe ynderdog Amntidote Fr rThe yUnderdog Anmtidote Fro Trhe Uynderdog Ahtidote Fkr Unnderdog
Ahntidote Fkor Te Uderdog Anhtidote Fokr Teh Udnerdog Ajtidote F9r Tje Umderdog Ajntidote F9or Tjhe Umnderdog Anjtidote Fo9r Thje Unmderdog
Abtidote F0r Tue Uhderdog Abntidote F0or Tuhe Anbtidote Fo0r Thue Unhderdog Anttidote Flr Tne Ujderdog Anidote Flor Tnhe
Anitdote Folr Thne Unjderdog Anfidote Fir Tbe Ubderdog Anftidote Fior Tbhe Ubnderdog Antfidote Foir Thbe Unbderdog An5idote Forr Tge Undderdog
An5tidote Fo Unerdog Ant5idote For Thge Unedrdog Anhidote Fod Tye Unxerdog Fodr Unxderdog Anthidote Ford Thye Undxerdog
Anyidote Fo4 Thee Uneerdog Anytidote Fo4r Th Unederdog Antyidote For4 The Undeerdog An6idote Fog Ths Unferdog An6tidote Fogr Thse Unfderdog
Ant6idote Forg Thes Undferdog Angidote Fot Th3 Unrerdog Angtidote Fotr Th3e Unrderdog Antgidote Fort The3 Undrerdog Anridote Fo5 Thf Uncerdog
Anrtidote Fo5r Thfe Uncderdog Antridote For5 Thef Undcerdog Antiidote Fof Thr Unserdog Antdote Fofr Thre Unsderdog Antdiote Forf Ther Undserdog
Antjdote Foe Th4 Antjidote Foer Th4e Undrdog Antijdote Fore The4 Undredog Ant9dote Thd Undsrdog Ant9idote Thde
Anti9dote Thed Undesrdog Antldote Thw Und3rdog Antlidote Thwe Und3erdog Antildote Thew Unde3rdog Antodote Undfrdog
Antoidote Antiodote Undefrdog Antkdote Undrrdog Antkidote Antikdote Underrdog
Ant8dote Und4rdog Ant8idote Und4erdog Anti8dote Unde4rdog Antudote Unddrdog Antuidote
Antiudote Undedrdog Antiddote Undwrdog Antiote Undwerdog

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