Less Than Jake
Abandon Ship

Give me some religion, pass the wine cos this time
I cant hold it in like I always did
Give me some more T.V make it loud make believe
I'm in desperate need for some company
Attention this is not a test help me get this moving target
off my chest from my closest friends
Save me from this hopelessness talk some sense into this head
help stop this and this S.O.S

Treading water with weights around my neck
A ship wreck of reckless accidents
Overboard and don't look back too quick
head first I dived in this deep end
Abandon ship cos its sinking way too quick

Give me some forgiveness and I'll try cos this time
If I pull the pin I'll be blown to bits
Give me some more music ill sit and read the lyrics
Like a bible, a gospel of sing along
Attention this is not a test swim to shore before I cry
Just lift my hands feel like they're made of bricks
Save me from my recklessness talk some sense into this head
Help stop this and this S.O.S

Treading water with weights around my neck
A ship wreck of reckless accidents
Overboard and don't look back too quick
head first I dived in this deep end
Abandon ship cos its sinking way too quick

I cant listen to all the reasons
I just need one more thing to believe in
The one thing that will keep me breathing
I'll kiss the dirt when I hit dry land

Treading water with weights around my neck
A ship wreck of reckless accidents
Overboard and don't look back too quick
head first I dived in this deep end
Abandon ship cos its sinking way too quick

Mirror lyrics:

Abandon ship cos its sinking way too quick
head first I dived in this deep end
Overboard and don't look back too quick
A ship wreck of reckless accidents
Treading water with weights around my neck

I'll kiss the dirt when I hit dry land
The one thing that will keep me breathing
I just need one more thing to believe in
I cant listen to all the reasons

Abandon ship cos its sinking way too quick
head first I dived in this deep end
Overboard and don't look back too quick
A ship wreck of reckless accidents
Treading water with weights around my neck

Help stop this and this S.O.S
Save me from my recklessness talk some sense into this head
Just lift my hands feel like they're made of bricks
Attention this is not a test swim to shore before I cry
Like a bible, a gospel of sing along
Give me some more music ill sit and read the lyrics
If I pull the pin I'll be blown to bits
Give me some forgiveness and I'll try cos this time

Abandon ship cos its sinking way too quick
head first I dived in this deep end
Overboard and don't look back too quick
A ship wreck of reckless accidents
Treading water with weights around my neck

help stop this and this S.O.S
Save me from this hopelessness talk some sense into this head
off my chest from my closest friends
Attention this is not a test help me get this moving target
I'm in desperate need for some company
Give me some more T.V make it loud make believe
I cant hold it in like I always did
Give me some religion, pass the wine cos this time

Relevant Tags:
AAbandon SShip bandon hip bAandon hSip zbandon zhip zAbandon zShip Azbandon Szhip qbandon whip qAbandon wShip Aqbandon Swhip
sbandon dhip sAbandon dShip Asbandon Sdhip wbandon ehip wAbandon eShip Awbandon Sehip xbandon xhip xAbandon xShip Axbandon Sxhip
Abbandon ahip Aandon aShip Aabndon Sahip Avandon Shhip Avbandon Sip Abvandon Sihp Agandon Sjip Agbandon Sjhip Abgandon Shjip
Anandon Suip Anbandon Suhip Abnandon Shuip Ahandon Snip Ahbandon Snhip Abhandon Shnip Abaandon Sbip Abndon Sbhip Abnadon Shbip
Abzndon Sgip Abzandon Sghip Abazndon Shgip Abqndon Syip Abqandon Syhip Abaqndon Shyip Absndon Shiip Absandon Shp Abasndon Shpi
Abwndon Shjp Abwandon Abawndon Shijp Abxndon Sh9p Abxandon Sh9ip Abaxndon Shi9p Abanndon Shlp Abadon Shlip Abadnon Shilp
Abamdon Shop Abamndon Shoip Abanmdon Shiop Abahdon Shkp Abahndon Shkip Abanhdon Shikp

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